Waiting on first off color penn state comments

claiming to be down to earth and then saying you are disappointed in the board of trustees doesn't jive. the BOT is the wacko Ped State fans main target for firing poor jpaturdo and his cronies. Recovering, hahaha, you meaning trying to get refocused on whats most important, winning games and claiming fake honor. Success WITHOUT honor, the paterno way

I had that coming. I worded that wrong. I just felt that the board sucked too. They were definitely correct in cleaning house. I can't apologize enough for the idiocy of my fanbase. There are some true dummies floating around, many can be found on our rivals board. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember. I don't care about any sports but college sports and psu football fanhood was almost a lifestyle.
I had that coming. I worded that wrong. I just felt that the board sucked too. They were definitely correct in cleaning house. I can't apologize enough for the idiocy of my fanbase. There are some true dummies floating around, many can be found on our rivals board. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember. I don't care about any sports but college sports and psu football fanhood was almost a lifestyle.
You seem like one of the reasonable guys. But yeah BWI is full of psychos. I actually think the Board did throw Paterno under the bus, but in no way does that make him innocent. They just didn't want more things to be discovered. Fans like you though do not need to be included in the backlash that Penn State will always get.
Listen people, I get we are a punchline right now, but we are recovering. It has been a tough few years. I left the fold for a point and came back. I was so disappointed in some of our fanbase, the board of trustees, and of course the leadership.

There are a lot of down to earth rational psu fans. Looking forward to our game.
Healing: it's what's for dinner. And little boy dikc.
I had that coming. I worded that wrong. I just felt that the board sucked too. They were definitely correct in cleaning house. I can't apologize enough for the idiocy of my fanbase. There are some true dummies floating around, many can be found on our rivals board. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember. I don't care about any sports but college sports and psu football fanhood was almost a lifestyle.
Not just regular fans, how bout Joe Franc Harris? He's delusional.
If you beat them, and you will, they will cry sanctions. If you mention the paturdo/sandusky scandal they will cry but joe told his boss. They ignore the fact that joe was told about a child being raped in the shower and waited to tell anyone because he didnt want to disturb their weekend. After the incident he stood by while sandusky used the team as bait and took kids to practices and games. Joe never questioned whatever happened with shower incident. He didnt care because he was a horrible person who cared more about his team than the victims. sorry you guys have to play a team with the most despicable fans in America. Hope you crush the bums. Make sure you guys are careful in the shower after the game. There will be psu fans nearby and they love them some young boys.
Of course some slow footed WVU hick would come up with this. Anyone who bothers to actually learn the FACTS about the case will recognize your misstatements about the truth. Joe was never told that there was a child being "raped" in the shower. The NCAA has even come out and said that the way Joe dealt with this situation is exactly how it should be done.
Of course some slow footed WVU hick would come up with this. Anyone who bothers to actually learn the FACTS about the case will recognize your misstatements about the truth. Joe was never told that there was a child being "raped" in the shower. The NCAA has even come out and said that the way Joe dealt with this situation is exactly how it should be done.
Please show me where anyone other than penn State fans have said that. It certainly wasn't NCAA. Anybody that knows anything about how Paterno knew everything, knows he knew exactly what McQueary said to him.

You JoeBots are a trip.
Of course some slow footed WVU hick would come up with this. Anyone who bothers to actually learn the FACTS about the case will recognize your misstatements about the truth. Joe was never told that there was a child being "raped" in the shower. The NCAA has even come out and said that the way Joe dealt with this situation is exactly how it should be done.
Jo Paturdo admitted it himself that Mcquery told him about the shower incident. Keep trying to lie though, maybe you can convince someone other than a JOEBOT. Joe KNEW. ped state is in the middle of a cow pasture. you probably shouldnt call anyone a hick
Jo Paturdo admitted it himself that Mcquery told him about the shower incident. Keep trying to lie though, maybe you can convince someone other than a JOEBOT. Joe KNEW
You are the one who needs to keep tyring, pal. Your version of events has already been dis-proven. McQueary NEVER said he witnessed a "rape."
Youngsters getting raped on campus and this loser is arguing semantics. There was plenty of rumors and innuendo among the players and community for several years before this was discovered by the authorities. The world can see right through all this but these sickos are convinced that PSU and joepa are not part of the worst sports scandal ever.
Youngsters getting raped on campus and this loser is arguing semantics. There was plenty of rumors and innuendo among the players and community for several years before this was discovered by the authorities. The world can see right through all this but these sickos are convinced that PSU and joepa are not part of the worst sports scandal ever.
No, no "youngsters" were "raped" on the campus of Penn State. None of the "victims" ever alleged that anything inappropriate happened on campus. Try again!
If you actually believe there was a cover-up to save face for the football program, I can only conclude three things:
1. You don't care enough to examine the facts
2. You're too stupid to examine the facts
3. You think it's funny to make child sexual abuse jokes

For what it's worth, here is a link to former FBI Jim Clemente (and Criminal Minds TV producer) and his report after investigating all the facts. If you wish to learn something, read it.

Much respect for UGA. Mark Richt and Vince Dooley are all class. Hope for a good game.

"Katharyn and I got to know Coach Paterno and Sue at a Nike coaches retreat. We were the new kids on the block at that time but the Paternos were very gracious in welcoming us into the head coaching fraternity.His record stands alone and his immense contributions to Penn State and the game of college football make him one of the greatest coaches of all time." -Mark Richt

"Barbara and I are saddened by the sudden and untimely loss of our long time dear friend Joe Paterno. His wife Sue was a special friend and our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. Joe was a great role model and represented all that was good about college football. It was tragic that such a person had to endure the heartbreaks of his last months on earth. God Bless Joe and Sue." -Vince Dooley
That's a misquote. Richt's actual quote was "Katharyn and I got to know Coach Paterno and Sue at a Nike coaches retreat. We were the new kids on the block at that time ... in retrospect, we're glad he didn't have Sandusky with him."
I think this is what you were looking for

Not just regular fans, how bout Joe Franc Harris? He's delusional.
Hey, did we come here and make fun of you because Honey BooBoo had to be shown with sub-titles so that English speaking Americans could understand those crackers. No? Well I'm doing it now.

Don't you have a hair and spray tan appointment, you f'in Vinny? Ain't nothin worse than a loud mouth d-bag Jersey shore POS...ever heard of undershirts? You should try wearing one sometime - under a damn shirt...
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Did you all hear that they are going to put the JoPa statue back up at their stadium? This time they are going to face it 180 degrees from Joe can keep looking the other way!!!
Here's an except from Sandusky's autobiography "Touched" (no, I'm not making that up.) pg. 105:

"I often think of Jon's first experience in a big city. We were in New Orleans for the national championship game against Georgia in 1982, and he was so impressed by all the tall buildings, the pigeons and the experiences of just being in a big city. The one thing I probably wish he didn't have to experience then was a car driving by us and an elderly lady hanging halfway out the window. Chances are, either Jon or myself was wearing some kind of Penn State clothing because this woman started wailing at us: 'How 'bout dem Dawgs! How 'bout dem Dawgs!....Woof, woof, woof, woof...!" Jon would learn there are fans of all shapes, sizes and personalities out there, and they are not always cheering for the blue and white of Penn State."

(I believe Jon is his son)
Sounds like hearsay and the words of someone who was seeking pecuniary gain. These kids had a lot of incentive to lie. They came from broken homes. Seems to me like you are so jealous of Joe and Penn State's success that you will gladly let them pull the wool over your eyes!

I rest my case.
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The only people on Earth who believe that Joe Puturdo wasnt a major part of the cover up of many child rapes are the ill informed jobots who hide out in crappy valley. The rest of the world knows exactly who you are when you mindlessly chant "We Are" Did your tiny mind ever wonder why no other school ever offered sandusky a job. He was a very successful DC who just happened to hang around the Ped U program like a vulture waiting for more victims. You people are sick and delusional.
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Sounds like hearsay and the words of someone who was seeking pecuniary gain. These kids had a lot of incentive to lie. They came from broken homes. Seems to me like you are so jealous of Joe and Penn State's success that you will gladly let them pull the wool over your eyes!

God help him! Winning a football game isn't worth giving up his soul. Good luck searching for your soul. And, he and Penn St don't win football games either. What a stain to even be associated with that program.
Listen people, I get we are a punchline right now, but we are recovering. It has been a tough few years. I left the fold for a point and came back. I was so disappointed in some of our fanbase, the board of trustees, and of course the leadership.

There are a lot of down to earth rational psu fans. Looking forward to our game.

Penn State will always be a punchline. The Cult, which comprises the majority of their moronic fan base, will ensure that is the case. As you are about to find out, most of their fans think, without a kernel of supporting evidence, that they are America's #1 program. They are more obnoxious than even tOSU fans, who at least have FB success to partially support their obnoxious behavior.

PSU actually sells t-shirts listing the years of their 4 national championship teams. Only problem is that they have only won two national championships. They list two years in which not a single poll voted them #1.

You will discover that they have never lost out on a recruit either. If they offer someone who later commits to another school, they didn't lose him: the staff decided that he wasn't "PSU material" and withdrew the offer. An example: You might have heard of LeSean McCoy. He was one of the top RBs in the country in HS until he suffered a serious leg injury. He went to prep school for a year to get back into football shape. He was going to go to Miami out of HS, but Miami didn't continue to recruit him when he was in prep school. He narrowed it down to Pitt and PSU. He took an official visit to PSU and PSU insiders said suring the visit he verballed to Paturdo. The next weekend he took his official visit to Pitt, and actually did verbal. Immediately, the PSU mantra became PSU had withdrawn his offer because of something that happened on his visit which made them realize he wasn't "PSU material." Yet those same people mentioned nothing about that alleged (and imaginary) incident until after he had verballed to Pitt. And Paturdo and two assistants visited him on the last allowable day before LOI day to try to get him to change his mind. Yet the Cult to this day swears PSU withdrew the offer. It's the same story with any other player who they thought they would get but signed with another school.

You are about to be introduced to a group of fans who are going to leave you incredulous with their posts.

By the way, my entire close family lives in Atlanta, my sister-in-law went to Georgia and my nephew just got an M.A. in Athens, so I would be rooting for you even if you weren't playing Pedophile U. But, it will make it even sweeter if you get ahead by enough that like MSU you can line up an OL at TB and have him outrun their DL and stiff-arm a LB on a 9-yard TD run.
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Riddle me this one JoeBots...

McQueary did one of two things:

1-Told Paterno the truth, if he was telling the truth, then Joe Paterno looked the other way and allowed a predator to roam the football program and prey on little boys for a decade.

2-He lied to Paterno- if he lied and I mean the most terrible lie that you can tell, then why would Paterno promote a horrible liar from graduate asst to full time coach. He wouldn't.
See number's the only thing that makes sense.

By the way Sandusky was seen in the President's box for Joe Paterno 400th win. This was after all of them knew from having to give grand jury testimony that he was being investigated for child molestation. They were all in on the cover up.

Are you freakin kidding me? And you think this is just happen stance.
This Pitt fans says....

This thread is an absolute win. Go Dawgs!
Of course some slow footed WVU hick would come up with this. Anyone who bothers to actually learn the FACTS about the case will recognize your misstatements about the truth. Joe was never told that there was a child being "raped" in the shower. The NCAA has even come out and said that the way Joe dealt with this situation is exactly how it should be done.

You wanted delusional. You just got it ^^^^^^
Riddle me this one JoeBots...

McQueary did one of two things:

1-Told Paterno the truth, if he was telling the truth, then Joe Paterno looked the other way and allowed a predator to roam the football program and prey on little boys for a decade.

2-He lied to Paterno- if he lied and I mean the most terrible lie that you can tell, then why would Paterno promote a horrible liar from graduate asst to full time coach. He wouldn't.
See number's the only thing that makes sense.

By the way Sandusky was seen in the President's box for Joe Paterno 400th win. This was after all of them knew from having to give grand jury testimony that he was being investigated for child molestation. They were all in on the cover up.

Are you freakin kidding me? And you think this is just happen stance.

You guys are complete idiots. Before you were incomplete idiots, but now I am convinced you guys have completed the task of ultimate stupidity.

Is your reading comprehension so bad that you can't read the link I provided? Did any of you ACTUALLY go to the University of Georgia?
You guys are complete idiots. Before you were incomplete idiots, but now I am convinced you guys have completed the task of ultimate stupidity.

Is your reading comprehension so bad that you can't read the link I provided? Did any of you ACTUALLY go to the University of Georgia?

Aren't you late to an alter boy initiation ceremony?
You guys are complete idiots. Before you were incomplete idiots, but now I am convinced you guys have completed the task of ultimate stupidity.

Is your reading comprehension so bad that you can't read the link I provided? Did any of you ACTUALLY go to the University of Georgia?

Feed us the propaganda Minister Goebbels
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Wow, I'm so sorry guys. You guys were being hilariously funny, and then the Paterno Police showed up, promoting their absurd notions, sucking the fun out of the thread. Not all PSU fans are this bad, but these guys are batsh*t crazy.

These guys think they are courtroom defense attorneys, and think their courtroom defense will work in the court of public opinion. They constantly ask for proof, as if the burden of proof is on the world. They want to see proof of penetration, proof that emails that implicate "Joe" were referencing Paterno and not Joe the janitor, etc.
And unless we can prove these points, then we are guilty of a "rush to judgment." They ignore obvious truths, and yet claim to have the real truth, convinced that all of us are brainwashed by a "false media narrative."
Some are convinced that Paterno would've been committing some great crime if he simply picked up the phone and called the police.

Paterno, the Ivy League graduate who studied the classics, had no clue that some men like young boys. Never heard of such a thing. Back "in his day" they didn't learn about these things. And in the last four decades when we were growing up and exposed to these things in the media, Paterno lived in a football cave and never had no cultural exposure to any of this.

On the one hand, he was a great man, way more than a football coach, a guy who single handedly turned PSU from being a small ag school into a major research university. We heard this for years. Well, until Sandusky's arrest; then the narrative changed, and he was suddenly positioned as a very simple football coach with no power who only knew football.

As absurd as all of this is, and I could go on and on and on, this stuff is part of their core Paterno catechism. I didn't make any of it up, or stretch anything in the slightest way. They've all said it a million times.

Good luck in your game. And it looks like you landed a good coach for next year.
No, no "youngsters" were "raped" on the campus of Penn State. None of the "victims" ever alleged that anything inappropriate happened on campus. Try again!
just read the Grand jury report joebot. Nothing else is needed. He did the minimal to protect the Nttany Lion shield in the midst of a horrible run of failure on the football field at this very time frame. . You act like people being told (by a minor underling to your majestic presence) that your ex defensive coordinator naked in the shower with a kid making slapping sounds is an everyday occurrence., Never followed up (not like this rose to the level of talking to a freshman's writing professor or anything) . Saw the dude at games with boys. Never, once, a "hey, whatever happened with that Sandusky deal"....See Dawg fans this is the lunacy we deal with on a daily basis up here in PA...
Of course some slow footed WVU hick would come up with this. Anyone who bothers to actually learn the FACTS about the case will recognize your misstatements about the truth. Joe was never told that there was a child being "raped" in the shower. The NCAA has even come out and said that the way Joe dealt with this situation is exactly how it should be done.
Keep drinking the look aid
I had that coming. I worded that wrong. I just felt that the board sucked too. They were definitely correct in cleaning house. I can't apologize enough for the idiocy of my fanbase. There are some true dummies floating around, many can be found on our rivals board. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember. I don't care about any sports but college sports and psu football fanhood was almost a lifestyle.

Fake PSU poster. Pitter.

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