Wow, I'm so sorry guys. You guys were being hilariously funny, and then the Paterno Police showed up, promoting their absurd notions, sucking the fun out of the thread. Not all PSU fans are this bad, but these guys are batsh*t crazy.
These guys think they are courtroom defense attorneys, and think their courtroom defense will work in the court of public opinion. They constantly ask for proof, as if the burden of proof is on the world. They want to see proof of penetration, proof that emails that implicate "Joe" were referencing Paterno and not Joe the janitor, etc.
And unless we can prove these points, then we are guilty of a "rush to judgment." They ignore obvious truths, and yet claim to have the real truth, convinced that all of us are brainwashed by a "false media narrative."
Some are convinced that Paterno would've been committing some great crime if he simply picked up the phone and called the police.
Paterno, the Ivy League graduate who studied the classics, had no clue that some men like young boys. Never heard of such a thing. Back "in his day" they didn't learn about these things. And in the last four decades when we were growing up and exposed to these things in the media, Paterno lived in a football cave and never had no cultural exposure to any of this.
On the one hand, he was a great man, way more than a football coach, a guy who single handedly turned PSU from being a small ag school into a major research university. We heard this for years. Well, until Sandusky's arrest; then the narrative changed, and he was suddenly positioned as a very simple football coach with no power who only knew football.
As absurd as all of this is, and I could go on and on and on, this stuff is part of their core Paterno catechism. I didn't make any of it up, or stretch anything in the slightest way. They've all said it a million times.
Good luck in your game. And it looks like you landed a good coach for next year.