What stops illegals

Illegals do count towards the census so even if they can't legally vote, they do potentially create additional seats in Congress. Apparently many additional traditionally blue areas have gained seats in Congress over the past few years
Illegals do count towards the census so even if they can't legally vote, they do potentially create additional seats in Congress. Apparently many additional traditionally blue areas have gained seats in Congress over the past few years
Counting illegals in our census to determine Congressional districts defies all logic. Dims love it.
We got 10 million illegal immigrants in the last 3 years without a work permit working in the black economy (or receiving welfare) not paying USA taxes and sending a large percentage back to their family in Central or South America,..but at least the Democrats can change the demographics of voting,..if you don't have ideas, you need to dilute the country with foreigners,'s a pathway for the future politically, but devoid of ethics
It’s not considered a bailable offense for an illegal to vote, as long as they think they have to vote. So now, states like SC are sending out voting instructions with gov handouts to these illegals. Now once they vote, legit or not, it’s too late to separate legit votes from those that aren’t. This is what they will use, All While They distract most citizens with hunter gun trials
All you need to register in some states is a power bill. But there’s no reason for concern right ? After all the courts have proven 2020 was secure.
On that note its impossible for me not to hold Republicans more responsible here. They have been put in power by us with the mandate to keep this shit from happening for most of my life. Instead they either actively facilitate it or fundraise off it while doing nothing. Words cannot describe how furious it makes me.

Oh well at least we are sending plenty of money to ukraine and israel.
From voting
In regards to federal elections our govt is suppose to…obviously there’s corruption in our elections so there’s that to deal with. It will become much worse when they give the illegals (non citizens) the right (via amnesty) to vote in federal elections as they do in some cities and or towns in this country to vote legally in their elections already. Must stop the illegals and non citizens from becoming legal the back door corrupted political way(s)
Read the Constitution, or do you not support it?
Care to provide the article of the constitution that grants citizenship to children born of foreigners?

I presume you are referring to the 14th amendment, which gave full citizenship to the freed slaves because they were persons “…. born, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof….”

do you understand what the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction” means?

Read the constitution bro. Or do you not support it?
Care to provide the article of the constitution that grants citizenship to children born of foreigners?

I presume you are referring to the 14th amendment, which gave full citizenship to the freed slaves because they were persons “…. born, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof….”

do you understand what the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction” means?

Read the constitution bro. Or do you not support it?
Reading is one thing, comprehension of what is read, is a whole other thing. Many of these “Constitutional scholars” can’t understand a simple contract, much less comprehend and respect our constitution!
Care to provide the article of the constitution that grants citizenship to children born of foreigners?

I presume you are referring to the 14th amendment, which gave full citizenship to the freed slaves because they were persons “…. born, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof….”

do you understand what the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction” means?

Read the constitution bro. Or do you not support it?
Section 1 of the 14th Amendment grants citizenship to all born in the US. Yes, freed slaves born in the US were granted citizenship (to make that clear). I believe the "subject to the jurisdiction" had to do with people being considered citizens of their state (which was more on an issue back then) and making it clear they were citizens of the US.

Certainly the amendments are part of the Constitution. Maybe you are the one who needs to read the Constitution.
Section 1 of the 14th Amendment grants citizenship to all born in the US. Yes, freed slaves born in the US were granted citizenship (to make that clear). I believe the "subject to the jurisdiction" had to do with people being considered citizens of their state (which was more on an issue back then) and making it clear they were citizens of the US.

Certainly the amendments are part of the Constitution. Maybe you are the one who needs to read the Constitution.
You know well, that the actions being taken now are not and we’re not the intention of the founding fathers. The socialist are trying to bring in more voters to continue the fleecing of this nation. I guess you love to see this nation crumble.
You know well, that the actions being taken now are not and we’re not the intention of the founding fathers. The socialist are trying to bring in more voters to continue the fleecing of this nation. I guess you love to see this nation crumble.
So tell us you don't believe in the Constitution without telling us you only believe in those parts you want to. So typical of those who support Trump.
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So tell us you don't believe in the Constitution without telling us you only believe in those parts you want to. So typical of those who support Trump.
It is meant to protect the rights of citizens born here, on American soil. Not those that cross the border illegally to pop out a child that is granted citizenship. You should not be rewarded for breaking the laws to benefit yourself or others. That is exactly what the Democratic Party is about, twisting the law for power, money and eliminating those who do not think like them.
It is meant to protect the rights of citizens born here, on American soil. Not those that cross the border illegally to pop out a child that is granted citizenship. You should not be rewarded for breaking the laws to benefit yourself or others. That is exactly what the Democratic Party is about, twisting the law for power, money and eliminating those who do not think like them.
So you want to interpret the Constitution to your liking - not your right. And you and others talk about those not following the Constitution - how hypocritical as usual.

You still seem to be skirting around the question. Does the Constitution make those born in the US citizens, yes or no.
Section 1 of the 14th Amendment grants citizenship to all born in the US. Yes, freed slaves born in the US were granted citizenship (to make that clear). I believe the "subject to the jurisdiction" had to do with people being considered citizens of their state (which was more on an issue back then) and making it clear they were citizens of the US.

Certainly the amendments are part of the Constitution. Maybe you are the one who needs to read the Constitution.
That’s exactly what it means. Only those born to citizens acquire citizenship upon their birth.

Of course birth right citizenship is an insane concept in and of itself but it’s incredible how you get the basic concept and arrive at the conclusion that opponents of birth right citizenship being applied to illegals are deliberately ignoring the constitution.

the seminal case on this is US v Ark I believe. If you want to read it.
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Illegals do count towards the census so even if they can't legally vote, they do potentially create additional seats in Congress. Apparently many additional traditionally blue areas have gained seats in Congress over the past few years
I read somewhere that Dems have picked up roughly 20 or more seats. Not sure if that is true but if so it explains the open border policy.
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That’s exactly what it means. Only those born to citizens acquire citizenship upon their birth.

Of course birth right citizenship is an insane concept in and of itself but it’s incredible how you get the basic concept and arrive at the conclusion that opponents of birth right citizenship being applied to illegals are deliberately ignoring the constitution.

the seminal case on this is US v Ark I believe. If you want to read it.
Where do you get that conclusion - that only those born to citizens are granted citizenship.

It's not what the 14th amendment states.

US vs Ark supports this. Even though his parents were Chinese citizens, the Supreme Court said he was a citizen under the Citizen Clause.
Where do you get that conclusion - that only those born to citizens are granted citizenship.

It's not what the 14th amendment states.

US vs Ark supports this. Even though his parents were Chinese citizens, the Supreme Court said he was a citizen under the Citizen Clause.
When I said citizens i should have said those who are in America legally.

Which again, does not provide for citizenship for children of illegals and again birth right citizenship is an insane political practice.
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When I said citizens i should have said those who are in America legally.

Which again, does not provide for citizenship for children of illegals and again birth right citizenship is an insane political practice.
So you were wrong and you just don't like things even if they are law. I don't like all the unconstitutional laws passed in Florida, but that's life.

The amendment doesn't distinguish who the parents are in granting citizenship.

I believe the issue in the Ark case was that the Chinese Exclusion Acts denied citizenship to Chinese immigrants so his parents couldn't become citizens. But he was still entitled to be a citizen under the 14th Amendment.

I truly hope you are not an attorney based on this - have a good day.
So you were wrong and you just don't like things even if they are law. I don't like all the unconstitutional laws passed in Florida, but that's life.

The amendment doesn't distinguish who the parents are in granting citizenship.

I believe the issue in the Ark case was that the Chinese Exclusion Acts denied citizenship to Chinese immigrants so his parents couldn't become citizens. But he was still entitled to be a citizen under the 14th Amendment.

I truly hope you are not an attorney based on this - have a good day.
So, do you support the actuality that two people can illegally enter the US and have a kid who is automatically a citizen? Even in the context of there being perhaps 20-30 million illegals in the country cranking out babies like rabbits? I suppose I know your answer and I might as well ask Karine Jean Pierre.
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So you were wrong and you just don't like things even if they are law. I don't like all the unconstitutional laws passed in Florida, but that's life.

The amendment doesn't distinguish who the parents are in granting citizenship.

I believe the issue in the Ark case was that the Chinese Exclusion Acts denied citizenship to Chinese immigrants so his parents couldn't become citizens. But he was still entitled to be a citizen under the 14th Amendment.

I truly hope you are not an attorney based on this - have a good day.
Yes, I was wrong that the court held subject to the jurisdiction = citizenship.

I was not wrong that the Court has not held this to extend to illegals.

And again the concept of birthright citizenship is insane.
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Illegals do count towards the census so even if they can't legally vote, they do potentially create additional seats in Congress. Apparently many additional traditionally blue areas have gained seats in Congress over the past few years

I read somewhere that Dems have picked up roughly 20 or more seats. Not sure if that is true but if so it explains the open border policy.
Where do you get these ideas from? This sounds like things Trump would say. Since the number of seats in Congress hasn't changed in over 100 years they don't create additional seats. Yes, the blue states of Florida and Texas both had increases in house members after the 2020 census while the red state of California lost one seat. It would seem that any illegals added in the 2020 census would have come in while Trump was President. Who knows what the 2030 census will bring?

The change in seats held by any party result from the elections and many things go into that. I don't know what the 20 seats refers to specifically, but please explain how it would relate to the post you quoted.
So, do you support the actuality that two people can illegally enter the US and have a kid who is automatically a citizen? Even in the context of there being perhaps 20-30 million illegals in the country cranking out babies like rabbits? I suppose I know your answer and I might as well ask Karine Jean Pierre.
Well, go right ahead and ask her.
There are means to change the Constitution, or, get a clarification from the Supreme Court.

Too many people don't want to follow the Constitution and go another way and they are trying to destroy the fiber of the county.

I believe in our legal process which is subject to being modified. But from your comment you would seem to not care about the Constitution. You might be being led by the wrong people.