Least surprising news of the day

When I climbed into the old tower at ATL, I never saw so much equipment packed into a small space. Pretty sure it was tube technology or maybe both tube and transistor. The “planes” were little lines of paper on wooden holders on the controllers work space, stacked in a row. When the plane landed, the controller would throw away the paper and recycle the holder. (The new tower was definitely I remember visiting, but I was focused on looking out at the planes.)

No doubt the Elon could improve the system, but almost anyone could. I think Europe uses a modern system. All you need is a budget that not spent on agitating people in Peru and buying weapons for Afghani terrorists

Doug Collins doing good work

I’m telling you there is nothing like being a private company contractually attached to a government. Any government. You make the highest wages, and the company collects about a 2.4 to 2,7 multiplier.
There’s been a lot of articles recently on how the consulting companies will get hit the hardest from the government cutbacks. Bring it on.
