ND: Private School

I’ll bet you my life savings that it is happening at two schools in my county. How much do you want to wager? Make the bet, and I’ll send you the teachers’ names and pictures/proof.
Why the need to wager? Just prove it.

Here is what I found when searching “Teacher identifying as a cat”. “The hoax became a talking point for conservatives, turning on two key issues: gender nonconformity and educational accommodations.”

Josh Brooks… build us the basketball arena we deserve.

I get that many of you are sentimental about the Steg and I will agree that recent upgrades have significantly improved the game experience… however, if you’re one of the unlucky thousands who are seated in the “U”, good luck feeling connected to the game.

My dad got us tickets in 1964 (Section F, row 2, seats 1-4) and I grew up watching Georgia basketball in an arena best suited for its original design: agricultural expositions. It’s an ill-fitting space for everything else and the ceiling netting only underscores the need for something newer, more conducive to money sports and maybe even a big-name concert every now and then.

Upper level seating seems miles away from the floor. I imagine a facility could be designed to pull the 8500-9000 spectators much closer to the action… improving the connectedness and intensity to the playing surface.

I’m hoping that Mike White’s success is sustainable and accelerates planning for a basketball-gymnastics facility that is tier one.

The new arena at the Classic Center is great and the Rock Lobsters hockey games are an incredible addition to the area. An opportunity was missed to upsize it in conjunction with UGA; but, so be it. Let’s get on with a new facility and capitalize on what we’ve got going.
