Bond market pricing in republican control of White House and congress….

We can debate how much money / motivating factors are baked into the betting odds….but bond guys are not only the smartest guys anywhere, we are talking about hundreds of billions being invested on the bet that is republican control.

Bond market believes republican control will lead to more growth and unified government means extension of tax cuts and more legislation that could lead to more spending.

Not thrilled about the last part, but as I have always said notwithstanding being labeled as “far right”…. Trump is a lot less conservative than just about anyone we’ve had.

Even CNN is resigned to fate

When they finally start doing their job, you know it's over.

How did Finebaum become a thing?

The only thing he does halfway decently is interview people. His call in show is painful to listen to, he seems to prefer loud mouthed idiots to intelligent callers. I honestly think that some of his callers try to sound louder, with stronger southern accents, and more bombastic statements, just so Paul gives them all the air time that they want. On the flip side, if someone calls in and doesn't sound like an idiot and asks a reasonable question, Paul will generally cut them short and give a quick non answer. He brings nothing to the table on Gameday, completely don't understand why he's there. He barely says anything, just sits there and collects a big paycheck, which is a great gig if you can get it. Finally, he is such a band wagon guy. Anybody can analyze things that have already happened, he just tends to change his opinions based on the previous week. Rarely does he admit or state any mea culpa's on all the incorrect things he has previously said or predicted, he just smugly pretends that he's got it all figured out.

Whose Onboard With Rooting Against Texas?

Feel like we should want that fanbase to get humiliated from here on out...

A Vandy win would be epic...

Florida might reach up and grab em

How about losing to the Aggies last game of the season to knock them out of the SECCG?

All of the above.

I really want those guys, the arrogant cows, to get humbled this year. They deserve it.

What do you guys think?

A lesson in political hit pieces.

No doubt this will be ignored by those that claim this never happens and that only right-leaning sources are unreliable sources.

First, the claim:

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Next the denial. Notice how Meadows publicly denied this exchange took place, while the 'sources' for the piece are all conveniently anonymous.

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The actual family weighs in...

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...and now standard...

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...the complete house of lies comes crumbling down:

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BONUS: So bad, Newsweek deleted it...

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The actual story:

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Trump's McDonald's is not on this list. The same goes for all in Pennsylvania. Trump worked the french fry cooker but didn't handle any raw meat during his campaign event. F$%#-ing Newsweek.

NonDawg I need your help…

Im a long time Dawg who has been dealing with complications from my type 2 diabetes for the last couple months. I have now had three surgeries on my left foot to remove badly infected tissue and bone. Two toes have been amputated. The doctors believe they have caught all the infected bone and i should go home in a couple of days. Ive been in the hospital got almost two weeks. Was forced to watch our beatdown of Texas from my hospital room.
Any way, ive already miss a couple weeks at my new job and will miss 6-8 weeks more as i recover and learn to walk again.
Im asking Dawgnation for help.

As i am a new employee i don’t qualify for short term disability insurance. I”m asking for any financial help i can get. If you are able, i would appreciate your help.

My venmo is

My cashapp is$DonaldKurz

Thank you for your prayers and support.

The ESPN Skycast of the penalty reversal conclusively shows the ref who threw the flag watching the replay, looking scared, Sark tells him what to do

BS he called it on the wrong team and then realized his error. BS he did not see a replay. The Texas player is actually pointing at the screen and the ref who threw the flag is looking right at it.

Then, after Sark goes over to help clear the field, Sark comes back, goes to the ref, points at the Jumbotron, tells the ref what to do, and then the ref nods and runs to tell his colleagues.

Now I just have to learn how to post 2 videos….

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Reversed Call: Thankful

Can you imagine if they hadn't reversed the call? The narrative from UT fans and rivals would have been, "Georgia got lucky and saved by the refs on that BS call. That would have put UT right back in the game." I, for one, couldn't be happier they reversed the call as it was certainly questionable. Also, wasn't the right thing to do, just pointing out the blessing in disguise.

Georgia/Texas media takes: SVP and Stanford Steve

SVP: How 'bout Kirby. That's a culture win, man. They're banged up. I was talking to him on Sportscenter the other night. Cliche, next man up, but where do you have to have someone step up on this team? He said "it's the offensive line, we've been banged up, guys can't practice." They ran for over a hundred. They jumped TX the way Bama jumped them. Texas kind of got back in it. There's a lot of layers to this. As the guy that was there, I defer to you.

SS: This place was loud. Georgia's the brand TX wants to get to. Out Thursday and Friday night, everyone's just waiting for the game, waiting for the game. Line's starting 3.5 and then up to 5. I stayed pretty confident in Georgia. Texas hadn't played anyone that could pass. And when Georgia's defense doesn't have to worry about a running QB, they're dogs. We go over to the Texas sideline and Scottie's there, Spieth and they're all juiced up and ready to go. Texas does their intro. It's awesome. Hell's Bells. Places is ready to go off. Texas comes out first.

And Georgia's getting ready to come out and I can see the look on Kirby's face. He is already pissed off.


SS: And all the TX guys are kneeling in the EZ and their pregame thing. And Kirby's like "I'm gonna run out right now. Tell them to get out of the way." And I'm like, "Oh boy. They're on one." I'm standing there with Rece and midway through the first quarter I'm like "Oh my god, Carson Beck. It's the first half vs. Bama all over again." And then like that, sack-fumble. Quinn was rattled. TX OL really struggled with the physicality. Not playing good passing teams, they haven't really had to tackle in the open field. TX struggled with it this game. Etienne was awesome.

Now the overturn of the PI. Have you ever seen that?

SVP: No and people you've got to stop. I tweeted something out. Things can be incompetent and not rigged. It was a horrible call. It wasn't PI. If they got together and said that, fine. But the appearance becomes "Oh, it's rigged the other way." Now we get to have pissed off fans chuck sh** on the field. And that's why we're gonna change the call. The appearance was a terrible call got overturned because DKR was mad.

SS: I'm standing in the corner down the other way near the students' section, away from the return. A full bottle of water landed at my foot and it was as loud as a the g**d*** cannons to hear 25 times today. It was mayhem. I thought they were getting together to call a flag on the fans and then they changed it. And everyone on the sidelines was like "Have you ever seen that? Have you ever seen that?" And they get the TD and then the answer drive the answer drive by Georgia was

SVP: The answer drive was the most important part outside of the first half when they put a strangle hold on this game. That was a grown man saying "Y'all got a good grip? Cause now we're gonna squeeze back." And no one scores again and Georgia leaves there banged up. They arrived banged up. But they leave with a group of talented people who've won a ton of football games and beat a Texas team who hadn't played a team that's anywhere close to them. That's where the benefit of having been in a fight showed itself.

Jalon Walker. How many guys are better than that dude? Not many. Holy sh**! That guy is an absolute terror. And he has company. There are a lot of guys in the silver britches that get after the QB. But Ewers was struggling and they bring in Arch and what do you make of that.

SS: That hit he took on the corner blitz. That was a hard shot. I don't know if he was having problems after that injury wise. I didn't have a problem going with Arch, but I didn't have a problem going back to Quinn either. They brought Arch in and first play he didn't see the blitz. That's on him. He didn't see a wide open WR later. He got the long scramble but they were gonna have to win with Ewers because they were gonna have to throw it down the field and Arch wasn't making those throws.

SVP: If he sees and hits the open receiver. They score and get a little momentum, could've been very different situation there.

SS: There's no one I trust with QBs more than Sark. I don't have a problem with it.
