Clarkesville/Demorest Dinner Options

My parents live in Sautee, and I drive in from Columbia every few weeks to visit usually arriving at their house with dinner in hand. Lately I've been grabbing Chinese from that spot by Wolf Creek BBQ, but I'm trying to find other options. Looking for a meat & 3 type spot that would be a quick in & out or call-ahead (not BBQ or Mexican). I know I can stop by The Attic, but that's a little heavier of a meal than we're looking for. Any suggestions?

For weeks, reports of disasterous lack of food in Gaza

Has anyone seen a single report of Gazans starving to death? Maybe it's out there but I can't find any.
I don't mean to downplay their misery. It is epic and they brought it on themselves. But I do think the horse shit leftist, Israel hating, Christian hating media is, as usual, a bunch of scumbags trying to play on the emotions of America's weak minded.

For those in the know, is there ANY way that…..

our AD can funnel ANY of the funds, and I’m talking about all of the $ that UGA receives (TV $, money from the SEC, $ from ticket sales, $ from donations, etc) to our basketball program? It just seems like there should be some way our AD can help the basketball program financially so that CMW can be competitive in the NIL with other SEC teams.

The unanswerable question in basketball…..

“Who is the GOAT in the NBA?” For most people, the answer is either Michael Jordan or LeBron James. Because the game has evolved so much from the 1960s to present day, I don’t think any one player is a true or fair answer. The rules are different; the way referees call the games is different; much more emphasis on offense today than on defense, etc.

IMHO, these players can rightly claim the title as the best players of their era, but I think it is impossible to say conclusively who is the GOAT in the NBA:
Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, LeBron James

Your thoughts?
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OFFER A Vent Golf Network if you will

I have been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to gauge the Vents interest. I know there are guys on here members of courses throughout Georgia and the country. I thought it would be cool if maybe we started a network of sorts. Maybe for those traveling or maybe just to help some folks out that can’t get on certain courses. We could help each other out and do some reciprocal type stuff.

So let’s get this out of the way. This wouldn’t be “equitable”. Some of you I know are members of some of the most exclusive courses in the country; some of us aren’t.

I would think there need to be a couple hard and fast ground rules:

1. The guest is financially responsible for the outing. The guest must pay their own green fees, food/drinks, pro shop merch etc. This is about helping each other gain access to clubs we might not otherwise be able to get on; it isn’t fvcking UNICEF. If you want to play big boy courses, you can cover it. Arrangements could be made beforehand.

2. This goes without saying, but the guest must be incredibly polite, gracious and not do anything to embarrass the host at his home club.

I’ve spoken to @Radi Nabulsi about this so just let me know what y’all think.
