Asinine proposed diesel truck restrictions by the WH

The average trucking company pays $20,000 to $30,000 a year, per truck, on insurance alone.

Throw in idiotic climate legislation by stupid politicians who pander to the vote of ignorant voters and you crush the country.

If the legal costs for truckers since the idea of ethical behavior by lawyers was tossed to the side regarding selling and advertising for lawsuits so people can make money wasn’t enough, sure, choke the energy needed to run the trucks.

The average cost for a new diesel powered dump truck is about $250,000. Heck, let’s choke down the businesses to bankruptcy and then make them buy $400,000 electric dump trucks.

A large central government is not what we were built on or in our best interest as citizens.

We are being led to slaughter. But at least you can cross dress at an elementary school……..

The illegals situation is about to turn ugly. The sanctuary cities are running out of….

welfare money which could cause a full-blown humanitarian crisis. At least Denver is leveling with them. The mother of all crime waves is coming. Login to view embedded media
The Biden border policy is cruel, inhumane. All these millions of people have been lied to. That will remain hidden until the cities run out of funding as is happening in Denver and Houston.

I just don't trust old white men

I heard my sister in law say this multiple times yesterday in terms of protecting her children &
not leaving them around old men. Granted I don't trust any age men of any race I don't know (even most men I do know) with my nieces or daughter for a single second. But it was weird hearing her only say old WHITE men. She's getting very woke though so it sounds like she's drinking the Kool aid

Insider Note Scrimmage notes -- UPDATE - MORE NOTES ADDED

After asking around to the lucky few folks who got to watch today's scrimmage, here is what we have learned:

- All the kicking and punting was done at full speed, but without tackling. With Jared Zirkel gone, Peyton Woodring kicked off. They went into the end zone. That has to make Kirby happy as he hates giving a team a chance to return.
Aussie punter Brett Thorson was booming his punts. I guess he has to make up for lack of game action.

Anthony Evans III was the primary returner. He showed why today as he is really quick.

Carson Beck was described as very poised and in control. He just seems like a different guy this year. Or just a lot more relaxed.

All of the running backs got a lot of work except for Trevor Etienne. The Florida transfer was arrested last weekend and got no reps in this scrimmage. Rod Robinson and freshman tailback Chauncey Bowens were strong between the tackles. Robinson is 6-foot, 240 lbs and Bowens is 5-11, 225 lbs. We mentioned they looked good during the open observation periods, but that was in shorts. I guess they also look good in pads versus the defense.

I asked about the newcomers. I was told these guys are hard to miss.
  • Five-star cornerback Ellis Robinson was named first.
  • Five-star safety KJ Bolden was also mentioned right away. I am still marveling that Georgia landed the No. 1 safety and No. 1 cornerback in the nation.
  • Six-foot-three linebacker Chris Cole turned heads. The freshman is the nation's No. 2 inside linebacker.
  • Quintavious Johnson was also mentioned. No shock he stood out. That kid is a monster. A defensive end who is swift-footed enough to play quarterback?
  • Offensive lineman Daniel Calhoun also stood out. at 6-6, 350 pounds, he will catch your attention. But it isn't just he size we keep hearing about.

We already mentioned Ryan Puglisi was on a bike, taking care to not stress his sore knee.

Overall, it wasn't a sloppy day for their first scrimmage. Kirby usually complains about the first one. But for the most part the tackling was good considering it was the first time they could tackle full speed.

UPDATE - Another set of notes

Need to add Justin Williams to the list of players who stood out. The nation's No. 1 inside linebacker is going to be a good problem.

Arian Smith and Dillon Bell caught some deep shots.

The offense dominated the scrimmage but the defense dominated the third-down situation work. The offense looked better than the defense all day.

Gunner Stockton was not as sharp today as he had been.

The wideouts looked good, especially Arian Smith, Anthony Evans and Dillon Bell.

Carson Beck looked very poised - he threw it well and moved around in the pocket well.

The Offensive line looked very good but not so much when it came to pass rush.

The punter and placekicker were both excellent.

There weren't many penalties overall and the tackling in space was good.

Julian Humphrey, Daniel Harris and Ellis Robinson looked good at defensive back.

The transfer wide receivers didn't do much today. They tried Colbie Young at kick returner but he didn't look nearly as good as Evans who is clearly the front-runner.

Why do we pay for an English course in college

When we took English for 12 straight years prior?
Why History when we took it twelve straight years prior…….. oh, nevermind, don’t teach history any longer.

Shouldn’t the Constitution be a basic educational requirement? Seems the instruction manual is always a good thing to read when you don’t have a clue.

Or does ignorance to the basic foundation of our country help move us FROM the basic foundations of our country.

Good Morning Dawg Nation

Here we go again.....

First off..... We've got some traveling GMDN members this week so I'm hoping for safe travels for them.

Secondly I hope you all had a fantastic Easter holiday with family and friends.

Hoping I get a late birthday celebration with the kids this week. Once again, things happened and we didn't get to all be together yesterday, so I was a little bummed about that.

Praying Jessica and Ricky are doing well, @lifedawg

Looking forward to some more practice notes this week too. Time to kick off the week!

As always....Prayers for all those in need, spoken and unspoken, and especially for my GMDN friends.

Happy Birthday/Anniversary if you're celebrating today 🎉🎉

Love you guys and gals, MEAN IT.....

Go Dawgs ❤️

