I sat in section 321. My daughter was in tech's band in section 101.
Prior to the game we agreed that she would meet me in front of the bookstore after the game (she wasn't going to ride back to tech on the bus, she was going home with me). During the game she texted me and wanted me to just come to her section to pick her up after the game. The band would be staying late no matter the outcome. I agreed. While it seems really easy for you and me to just say "meet me at the bookstore" it was going to be late and dark and she was unsure of her surroundings. She didn't realize how close she was going to be to the bookstore. She entered the stadium with the band, not with me, or she would have known because I would have shown her.
So after our glorious come from behind win, I began trying to make my way from 321 to 101. I went down a ramp and found that I was about to exit the stadium. I turned around and went upstream and I came to a stairwell that I needed to go UP and there were 2 of these stadium workers (a 30-40 year old female and a young man, maybe 20 years old) dressed in the light blue shirts and they were standing there telling someone that he couldn't go up the stairs when I walked up. They began telling me the same thing. I told them that I was trying to get to my daughter and they didn't give a shit. For all they knew, we were talking about a kid, they didn't ask her age and that alone was ridiculous. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together would have said "what do you mean you're trying to get to your daughter, is she lost?" or something like that. The young male was dumber than a box of rocks and just kept repeating that nobody was going up the steps. I kept telling him that I wanted to ask him a question. But the stupid, obnoxious MF'er just kept repeating that nobody was going up the steps. He wouldn't listen to my question, much less answer it. I was trying to ask the asshole if I left the stadium, would I be allowed back in another gate so I could get to my daughter but the dumb bastard just kept repeating that nobody was going up the steps. I seriously considered finding out if the prick was capable of stopping me but decided that I didn't want to get locked up when they called for help (these weren't security guards). It would have been fun finding out whether the shithead could have stopped me or not. I wasn't drinking and I wasn't cussing, he was just a douchebag and a moron. I left the stadium and began to work my way around counterclockwise and soon came to another gate. I immediately had a pretty good idea that I wasn't going to be allowed in. So I just walked in confidently and purposefully to the loud protests of the people manning that gate. I ignored their protests regarding no re-entry, etc. There were a lot of police walking by and I was just waiting to be tackled from behind by one of the police officers, but fortunately it didn't happen and the rest of the evening was uneventful. What a pain in the ass.