Remember when people said a 12 team playoff would ruin the regular season?

Bwahhaha ... I do ... if there is one thing that is wrong every time, it's a fan saying "[whatever] is going to ruin college football."

The transfer portal and NIL has started to push some parity (although the top teams are still the top teams), and the expansion and divisionless football has made IC play absolutely bonkers.

Good Morning Dawg Nation

It's Saturday in Athens, baby!!
2 more to go and I hope we KIRB Stomp both opponents. Let's Go Beck and Company....keep that mojo going and take care of Business today!

I'm off to the store in a bit and the hubs is headed to the woods, hoping we both have a great morning....and the same to all of you. Safe travels to those headed out and to the game. Yell "Go Dawgs" for me, one time!

Enjoy your kids being home @Lumpdawg and @Iverwig

Praying for all those on LDGMDNOPL
and all the GMDN gang too!

Happy Birthday/Anniversary if you're celebrating today 🎉🎉

Love you guys and gals, MEAN IT.....

Go Dawgs ❤️

