So what can we do for Kirby? Let's circle the wagons, Vent.

Let's face it, Kirby Smart has done a lot for everyone on this board, either paid or unpaid. Starting a couple of threads to pass along your thoughts or prayers certainly doesn't scratch the surface for what we should be able to do as the Vent.

I honestly think a GoFundMe type of thing could be started to purchase something that would honor Sonny Smart to be presented to Kirby would be honorable.

I joke about a lot of things but this isn't one of them. We owe Kirby Smart and should have his back accordingly.


True college football gurus GITT and riddle me this...

What exactly does North Dakota St do year in and year out to make them so freaking dominant? Just looked and they're 112-9 in the past 10 seasons...that is absurd.

Their offensive schemes are clean, but creative. They block very well in all areas. They tackle well. They don't seem to miss assignments. That I can see as an untrained fan of college football, but I cannot figure out the why.

It would seem you could get better athletes in the Southeast/Southwest and even Mid Atlantic parts of the country. I could understand it more if it was just one coach, but they are on the 3rd or 4th coach up there now and are still kicking everyone's butts in FCS. Also, it's not like they use some semi proprietary "system" like the academies do...they are fairly diverse.

If I am Kirby, I would want to do some knowledge sharing and find out:

1. How they teach and emphasize fundamentals.
2. What the secret(s) are behind their culture.
3. Is there anything scheme wise we could use at our level?

@brollinspff @AgrayDAWG not sure if either of you have spent much time looking at what makes them so good at that level.

Let’s help out TravelDawg04

As he mentioned in an earlier post, fellow Dawgventer TravelDawg04 needs some help this month. I put together a GoFundMe to help us raise some funds for him. Let’s do what the Dawgvent always does and make it happen for him. Link below:

GoFundMe for TravelDawg04

Thanks in advance and GO DAWGS!

Mid to late 90s UGA football ‘What If’….

Fun conversation with Coach Donnan prior to starting the Watch Along last week about some Marshall memories. I mentioned how insane it is to think back to what Chad Pennington did at Marshall. Started as a freshman for Coach and played in 1-AA national championship. Then Coach comes here and Bobby Pruitt brought Eric Kresser to Marshall with him from Florida.

Pennington redshirts and sits the year to let Kresser play! Herd went 15-0 and won 1-AA championship with Randy Moss. No way that happens in today’s landscape.

Anyway, here’s the what if……what if Pennington would’ve transferred to Georgia and been the starter here in 1997?
