Conspiracy Theories


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jun 10, 2021
It seems that the libs of chat love to call the pubs, conservatives, Trump supporters of chat conspiracy theorist. This coming from the folks that ALL FELL FOR AND BELIEVED, SOME STILL PUSHING, the russia russia russia actual conspiracy. LOL. Currently, some of the chat liberal spokes people are droning on about the murderer in Buffalo being wacked out about "replacement theory". while making a comparison to Christianity. Hmmmm another funny. Dims actually promote open borders and brag about the 'browning of America". There are links available to any that really want to know, showing dim pol after dim pol, and dim propaganda reporters going on and on about the '"browning". I don't know that they want to replace all white people but they sure want to bring more folks into the country to give free stuff to so they can put them on the plantation and buy their votes. Its all about power and winning elections for them. And while it may not meet the exact definition of "replacement theory", it sure smells like it. Anyway, started the post to point out the hypocrisy of chat libs in crying about those of us that believe the election may have been rigged, wanting actual audits and investigations, all the while they took part and swallowed hook line and sinker the biggest lie in election history.