Surprise J6 hearing today and a bonus surprise

The machine is already visibly working for DeSantis. Trump isn't going to be the nominee no matter how much he tries. However, D's are clearly trying to prop and prolong the MAGA theme as evidenced by their support of MAGA candidates in primaries, their made for TV primetime trial, and the media's incessant discussion of DT.
It is breathtaking. What are they going to do when he goes away? I have never seen one person own another group as deeply as he owns the left.
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not hearsay. stop getting your info from GOP tweeters.
the testimony from the lady we were talking about was basically all hearsay, the one the media has ridden with that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel
Calm down, that's just Mick Mulvaney. Follow the directions and you should be fine.

I think the democrats are making a giant strategic mistake in the interest of scoring near term political points that in now way will change the inevitable at this point shellacking they will take in the midterms.

Fact is their best chance at keeping the White House is Trump winning the nomination. DeSantis or someone else winning it eliminates Biden / democrat chances. Pretty much anyone but Trump rolls to victory in the general. If they were patent / smart, they would lay low and wait for the guy to potentially win the nomination, and then go after him.
I agree. They prematurely blew their load. To save what is left of the midterms. The recession is just starting. Wish we had footage of the cheeseburger. That would put it over the top.
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the testimony from the lady we were talking about was basically all hearsay, the one the media has ridden with that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel
again, no one cares about that part. she was present for much of the potentially criminal conduct (as opposed to the merely childish conduct), has many of the receipts, and she is making statements potentially against her own interest. not hearsay.
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Exactly. Some things are bigger than the next election and what Trump and team did is historically unprecedented. We are all so jaded by the last five years that many still fail to understand just how big of a deal this is. If the guy had been successful he would have taken control of who sits in the highest office in the land out of the hands of the people. This is fundamental to our system of government.

EDIT: Another RINO speaks.

I don’t doubt the authenticity of your opinion / motivation. That said I think the majority of that committee are just doing what politicians do, with less “pure” motivation. I think they are unwittingly digging their own graves for 2024 if they disqualify Trump in 2022. The disappearance of DJT from the news landscape would be the biggest gift given ever to the pubs.
Good rant but we now have first-hand testimony under oath that a sitting president knowingly committed the following crimes:

1) Obstructing justice
2) Disrupting the official act of counting Electoral Votes
3) Inciting a riot.

The is unprecedented in our history and makes Watergate looks like some tweens shoplifting bubblegum at the CVS. This is very, very serious and the is legitimate legal peril for the President and much of his team now.

Of course, if this is all bullshit I'm sure the committee would be happy to take Trump's testimony, under oath of course. That and some testimony from Pat Cipollone would help clear things up in no time.
You called trump the president. Once a president always the president. You do know a senile man has been in charge for nearly two years right? You really think he is in legal peril. Big waste of time and money. Bill seduced a 25 year old low iq staffer in the Oval Office. He made it rain. Hillary, well, I don’t have all day to list her offenses. She never saw jail. Hunter Biden and joe. People have filed charges for less than what he has done to some women and kids on camera. Nothing will happen.
She worked for Cruz, Scalise and Meadows. She was under oath and provided specific testimony, which means there are very real legal repercussions if she was lying. Given the growing list of republicans who have testified, Trump should be insisting he testify under oath to set the record straight. Any day now, I'm sure.....
Who the f will call her out for lying and try her in court? Just the stupidest thing since my barely awake comment this morning about the National Review. I equated it with your favorite, National Enquirer... fail on my part. But she's protected out the wazzou (at least until Hillary is dead)
I think that Garland and the Justice Department have been rightfully hesitant to pursue criminal charges against a former president and his staff and the J6 committee has been working to force investigation and if appropriate indictments. After today's first-hand testimony under oath, Garland doesn't have much of a choice.
She admitted she was not in limo. Then we found out there was no limo. Lol
Thise people who went thru the Mags and had their guns and knives confiscated at the scene of Trump's speech...did they get their weapons back, after the speech was over and they left the area?
He is in major legal peril. So, it turns out some of these witnesses are lying. Come on. I don’t believe it. This thread just went abandon ship.
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again, no one cares about that part. she was present for much of the potentially criminal conduct (as opposed to the merely childish conduct), has many of the receipts, and she is making statements potentially against her own interest. not hearsay.

what else did she say that wasn't a lie? It only took a couple of hours to debunk part of her testimony
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Which is why they will not be called. The day started out so promising. Then possible lie after lie began to surface. :). I know this has to be a hard pill to swallow.
I bet they are called. Also, just to provide some clarity regarding the testimony is question.

You would be raising hell if the Republicans did this to a Democrat ex President. All Democrats plus two Republicans who hate his guts. Don’t be a hypocrite
Actually I wouldn’t if they were accused of what Trump has been accused of. As I’ve pointed out many times on here, I didn’t vote for Bill or Hillary because I found their morals too suspect to support.

Would you be so unimpressed by all this damning testimony if the focus were Obama? I think not.
Actually I wouldn’t if they were accused of what Trump has been accused of. As I’ve pointed out many times on here, I didn’t vote for Bill or Hillary because I found their morals too suspect to support.

Would you be so unimpressed by all this damning testimony if the focus were Obama? I think not.
I heard Trump tell people to protest peacefully. Heard it with my own two ears. This is a witch-hunt. By the way. I’m a Desantis guy. Who of course will be the new Hitler as soon as he runs. Democrats say every single Republican President is Hitler. Reagan. Bush. George W etc.. all Hitler.
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I heard Trump tell people to protest peacefully. Heard it with my own two ears. This is a witch-hunt. By the way. I’m a Desantis guy. Who of course will be the new Hitler as soon as he runs. Democrats say every single Republican President is Hitler. Reagan. Bush. George W etc.. all Hitler.
I think you missed some other things Trump said. And when he saw the protesters were not peaceful, he immediately told them to stop and didn't just continue to watch what was going on. Right?

I won't call him Hitler, but DeSantis is already playing dictator and not caring what he does might be unconstitutional (as the courts have shown).

Is this okay @Zonadog ?
They are trying to resurrect that positive feeling from earlier today. Maybe they should focus on those poor souls that died of heat stroke in the back of a truck.
So perhaps the assault didn’t happen but Trump was furious they would take him to lead the insurrection in person? That doesn’t seem to be a win to me but what do I know. I look forward to testimony under oath.

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So perhaps the assault didn’t happen but Trump was furious they would take him to lead the insurrection in person? That doesn’t seem to be a win to me but what do I know. I look forward to testimony under oath.

Let’s say that is true. We don’t know what his intentions were we he would have got there. He already told them to protest peacefully. Maybe he would have told them to stand down. No way to know.
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So perhaps the assault didn’t happen but Trump was furious they would take him to lead the insurrection in person? That doesn’t seem to be a win to me but what do I know. I look forward to testimony under oath.

Trump is a lot of things. But he was more likely to go there and talk about how great he is. Not go lead people into violence. Yes, he has some bad traits as a person. But stupid isn’t one of them. It is all hearsay. No one knows his real intentions other than him. And even if he had them, what if he got there and changed his mind. The only group swayed by any of this are people that already hated trump. Now let’s see the bill of what this cost, and how much taxpayer money has been wasted.
Any debunking needs to be Under oath or it is nothing more than noise.
Yes. You always debunk with sworn testimony from top msm journalists LMBO. Man you sure play a game with rules for you and rules for others.

If it’s anti Trump always true. If it’s anti Biden or a debunk of lies about trump it’s always false. The SS agents say they will testify under oath. You think the dim committee to get Tump otherwise known as the J6 committee will let them testify.
Let’s say that is true. We don’t know what his intentions were we he would have got there. He already told them to protest peacefully. Maybe he would have told them to stand down. No way to know.

We actually do know this, and that's because he literally said it (or I should say, tweeted it).

His exact quote: "Go home with love & in peace."