Surprise J6 hearing today and a bonus surprise

you mean like Robert Mueller? You remember that guy who tried his best to discredit a sitting president on a made up sheet of paper paid for by the president’s political opponent. He ended up a laughing stock after he tried every trick in the book to get an ounce of credible evidence.

if Garland is stupid enough to pursue this in the same manner, he will Merely suffer the same result.

If the democrats and left spent as much time working on high gas prices, general inflation, securing necessary domestic commodities, portraying an image of strength to our foreign enemies and keeping our soldiers safe in Afghanistan as they do pursuing one hated enemy of theirs, the common citizen would be much better off.

I get it, Trump isn’t easy to like for many people but to become consumed over an individual in the manner Bill Murray was over the gopher in Caddyshack is unhealthy for all.

there are going to be a lot of disappointed dems over this.
Your characterization of the Mueller investigation and findings is not just overly simplistic, it is factually wrong.

The investigation was far from reliant on the "made up sheet of paper" and it's start predated that document.

He had a lot of credible evidence which was subsequently documented and validated by the Republican-run Senate Intelligence Committee report on the topic.

It's also clear that there is no testimony from loyal republicans, no emails, no texts messages, no direct evidence of any kind that will result in you and others ever believing that Trump did a single thing wrong so any debate or discussion of facts is an utter waste of time.

I just said in the post I hope he doesn’t run. Now I am a trumper. Lol. Well, I didn’t vote for Biden. You can’t get worse than that. That should be required to be put on any job application. That immediately lets you know what you have applying for the job.
Saying you hope he doesn't run is a long way from acknowledging seditious activity and condemning all those who participated in it. That keeps you in the camp of the Trumpist.
Saying you hope he doesn't run is a long way from acknowledging seditious activity and condemning all those who participated in it. That keeps you in the camp of the Trumpist.
Again. You should be in one or another camp unless some other serious middle ground candidate ever comes along. No time soon. Picked the lesser of two evils. And one with all his faculties still. There is a difference between a trumper and not being a trumper. Even as a pub. I can point out that I don’t believe he actually wanted to have someone killed and not be a trumper.
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So, you don’t know?

Geez dude, I asked a simple question about a point YOU made & all you have is middle-school level rebuttals?

You’re projecting. Be better than what you’re think you’re fighting against. You’ve made this a worthless discussion. Congrats.
Welcome to the club.
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Since it's obvious most of you are only half following and don't know what you are talking about, they have already interviewed both of the men she mentioned in her testimony. They may call them in again, but while the media fixated on that, that's just more of Trump being Trump. Whether he did it or not has nothing to do with the criminal element of this stuff and his refusal to peacefully give up his power to the next POTUS in line as we've seen done throughout our history.

Almost everything she said can be verified or not if certain people were willing to testify. Some of those people have and have pleaded the fifth. Some have refused to answer the subpoena. I have a feeling we'll get to see a couple of them though. Much of what she said has been backed by others that were present.

I'm still trying to figure out why the media found it shocking that Trump threw his dish against a wall and maybe tried to grab a steering wheel when a car wasn't going where he wanted it to. Does that really seem out of character here?
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Since it's obvious most of you are only half following and don't know what you are talking about, they have already interviewed both of the men she mentioned in her testimony. They may call them in again, but while the media fixated on that, that's just more of Trump being Trump. Whether he did it or not has nothing to do with the criminal element of this stuff and his refusal to peacefully give up his power to the next POTUS in line as we've seen done throughout our history.

Almost everything she said can be verified or not if certain people were willing to testify. Some of those people have and have pleaded the fifth. Some have refused to answer the subpoena. I have a feeling we'll get to see a couple of them though. Much of what she said has been backed by others that were present.

I'm still trying to figure out why the media found it shocking that Trump threw his dish against a wall and maybe tried to grab a steering wheel when a car wasn't going where he wanted it to. Does that really seem out of character here?
I'm quite sure Meadows and Cipollone have a standing invitation to come testify under oath. Either one could have refuted many of her statements last night yet we heard nothing.

The testimony about Trump getting physical with SS, which she acknowledged yesterday was second hand, is a sideshow. I would welcome additional testimony regarding that topic and whether there was a confrontation, verbal or otherwise, regarding Trump's desire to go to the Capitol and what advice he was getting at the time regarding that request.
I just said I dont like the man and this is the best youve got? I hope Trump never runs again. Part of me just hopes he goes away but he will be good for fundraising because this windbag known as Joe Pudding at 3:30 Biden has to go. I knew Biden would be bad but this has been beyond comprehension. Honestly Im struggling to make ends meet and I wasnt under Trump or Obama , so if you want to send me another ridiculous meme because you have no argument of substance then feel free.
I'm quite sure Meadows and Cipollone have a standing invitation to come testify under oath. Either one could have refuted many of her statements last night yet we heard nothing.

The testimony about Trump getting physical with SS, which she acknowledged yesterday was second hand, is a sideshow. I would welcome additional testimony regarding that topic and whether there was a confrontation, verbal or otherwise, regarding Trump's desire to go to the Capitol and what advice he was getting at the time regarding that request.
1. Sideshow, absolutely, but why bring this type stuff up if all of the other evidence is so damning. Just ridiculous the committee allowed it to be discussed.
2. Why in the hell did Meadows have this 25 year old on staff as senior advisor to him, she gossips like a sorority girl dishing about what occurred at a Frat Party. She was way over her head. Shows you all you need to know about Meadows.
3. Whoever the attorney for this young lady is doing her no favors, stick to facts or information you have direct knowledge. 4. I’m sure she is a nice lady, but this testimony is not going to help her with job opportunities in future. I see her more as immature than brave.
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Your characterization of the Mueller investigation and findings is not just overly simplistic, it is factually wrong.

The investigation was far from reliant on the "made up sheet of paper" and it's start predated that document.

He had a lot of credible evidence which was subsequently documented and validated by the Republican-run Senate Intelligence Committee report on the topic.

It's also clear that there is no testimony from loyal republicans, no emails, no texts messages, no direct evidence of any kind that will result in you and others ever believing that Trump did a single thing wrong so any debate or discussion of facts is an utter waste of time.

Of course my description of the Mueller case was simplistic. There was nothing credible to cite. Regardless of when it started, it was all pie in the sky fabrication. A leftist's wet dream - full of exciting thoughts but nothing approaching the reality of a broken law. The results and the shameful behavior of Mueller proved that.

Credible evidence? If there had been any that was representative of the charges, the dems would have hung him. turns out, they couldn't do shit, except waste more taxpayer dollars on worthless, unrealistic projects of socialist nirvana.

I have no special affinity for republicans. My votes are based on one thing, Constitutional Fidelity. so go ahead and label me a trump maga guy, I don't care. It's just your way of shutting down a conversation when you have to fight with the facts.

If trump is guilty, throw him in prison, but the same applies to hillary, biden, hunter, etc. but judge and punish (if guilty) them all fairly, with the same due process for each one. Trump broke no laws in the Jan 6 event and this farce is a trip back to 1692, when the salem witch trials culminated from hysteria.

The dems and reps that hate trump are grasping at hallucinations. they want trump to be guilty so bad, that they ignore all reason and historical standards of evidence. trump is nothing to me, as I am an independent, but in all fairness, he ran this country many times better than his successor. I'm not sure how people can castigate trump and turn a blind eye to maxine waters who has done everything within a person's power to sew the seeds of riotous, illegal, uncontrolled and felonious public behavior.
Be very careful. Those who don't like truth will come for you to dare suggest we hear testimony that could go against their narrative.
I don’t need to be careful. That is the beauty of staying centered and not screaming left and right constantly. I am happy to hear them speak what their truth is now. Cassidy has just double downed on hers via her attorney. Now we need to hear these two men. Oh and Meadows who has been crickets.
I'm quite sure Meadows and Cipollone have a standing invitation to come testify under oath. Either one could have refuted many of her statements last night yet we heard nothing.

The testimony about Trump getting physical with SS, which she acknowledged yesterday was second hand, is a sideshow. I would welcome additional testimony regarding that topic and whether there was a confrontation, verbal or otherwise, regarding Trump's desire to go to the Capitol and what advice he was getting at the time regarding that request.
I’ve read enough of your posts to know you are an intelligent dude. I disagree with a lot of your opinions, but I respect most of them. That said, a couple thoughts, and bear in mind I am fully on board with Trump being neutered politically right now, because I want policies that work again, and while Trump might win in 2024, anyone else with a pulse on the republican side surely will:

1) This was not the “threat to democracy” that it has made out to be. It was a bunch of jackasses, acting out of loyalty to someone who can admittedly act like a jackass. Zero threat despite the rhetoric. I mean if you believe the rhetoric / testimony, the kingpin leader was stopped in his tracks with words and at worst physical restraint by one person.

2) Can you at least admit the current administration is a joke? And not a joke in terms of policy impacts to regular people? Things are pretty bad.
I’ve read enough of your posts to know you are an intelligent dude. I disagree with a lot of your opinions, but I respect most of them. That said, a couple thoughts, and bear in mind I am fully on board with Trump being neutered politically right now, because I want policies that work again, and while Trump might win in 2024, anyone else with a pulse on the republican side surely will:

1) This was not the “threat to democracy” that it has made out to be. It was a bunch of jackasses, acting out of loyalty to someone who can admittedly act like a jackass. Zero threat despite the rhetoric. I mean if you believe the rhetoric / testimony, the kingpin leader was stopped in his tracks with words and at worst physical restraint by one person.

2) Can you at least admit the current administration is a joke? And not a joke in terms of policy impacts to regular people? Things are pretty bad.
A sincere thanks for the civilized dialogue. It's much appreciated.

I think you are greatly underestimating the threat posed by Trump and team in 2020. What would have happened if Trump had only needed to flip one or two states instead of five, a scenario that is very likely in the future? What if Barr had played along with Trump's request to say there were signs of fraud when there weren't? What if Trump had been successful in his efforts to get the environmental lawyer but compliant soldier Clark installed as acting AG? What if Rafensperger had caved to the massive pressure to find the 11k votes Trump needed to flip GA? What if similar things had happened in AZ, NV, WI?

None of those things happened, but any of them could have. The fact that we can name a handful of individuals who had to act as the bulwark that prevented losing our republic is not the sign of a healthy system. In fact, if the participants who created and pushed this scheme go unpunished it is almost certain to happen again, but with a greater likelihood of success next time.

None of the above happened, yet if Pence had caved to the enormous pressure, including the physical threats on J6, and played his role in the scheme, the many co-conspirators in the republican party had fake electors and compliant supporters on Capitol Hill ready to throw the country into absolute chaos. Hell, after everything that happened (and perhaps more importantly everything that didn't happen as listed above) leading up to and including J6, 147 republicans still refused the certify the election that night. This proves we can't count on decency, or even a fear of shame, from some elected officials to help protect the republic.

I've shared a few times that I majored in history at UGA and it is a passion of mine. Don't think for one second that our country is somehow immune from the potential rise in autocracy and destruction of our democratic norms. It has happened many times in the past and the playbook Trump used is very well established. When Liz Chaney says that this is an existential threat to our form of government she is exactly right.

Regarding Biden, he has been bad, although I think the suggestions of being the worst president ever are way overblown. Covid really hosed global supply chains and inflation is a global problem with oil exacerbated by Ukraine. I actually think the administration has handled the situation in Ukraine reasonably well. The employment numbers are obviously fantastic, another factor pushing inflation.

I'll add that despite being a good capitalist, which I can promise you I am, I am liberal in my views of social policy. The Biden administration better reflects my views in that area than the republicans, particularly today's republicans. The decisions coming out of the supreme court and some very aggressive and unpopular legislation coming out at the state level may be the only thing that gives the dems any chance at all in the midterms or 2024. A lot of people may actually be pissed off enough to get off their collective asses and go vote for a change.

But Biden is ancient and the progressives currently have way too much influence, neither of which sets us up well to deal effectively with what I would hope you will agree is a very challenging economic and geopolitical environment. I'd like to see some actual policy suggestions from republicans beyond "drill baby drill". The US produced 12.29m barrels of oil a day in 2019 and we are on target to produce 11.85m a day this year, which is not bad considering what happened to global demand during the pandemic and the resulting impact on production and refinery capacity. We need some real policy wonks, and both parties are too busy with their BS to craft real policy.
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Regarding Biden, he has been bad, although I think the suggestions of being the worst president ever are way overblown. Covid really hosed global supply chains and inflation is a global problem with oil exacerbated by Ukraine. I actually think the administration has handled the situation in Ukraine reasonably well. The employment numbers are obviously fantastic, another factor pushing inflation.

I'll add that despite being a good capitalist, which I can promise you I am, I am liberal in my views of social policy. The Biden administration better reflects my views in that area than the republicans, particularly today's republicans. The decisions coming out of the supreme court and some very aggressive and unpopular legislation coming out at the state level may be the only thing that gives the dems any chance at all in the midterms or 2024. A lot of people may actually be pissed off enough to get off their collective asses and go vote for a change.

Interesting. Since you're basically absolving Biden of blame for the main issues that he's being criticized for, but you still think he's been bad, what exactly do you think he's done "badly"?

And what unpopular legislation at the state level are you referring to?
A sincere thanks for the civilized dialogue. It's much appreciated.

I think you are greatly underestimating the threat posed by Trump and team in 2020. What would have happened if Trump had only needed to flip one or two states instead of five, a scenario that is very likely in the future? What if Barr had played along with Trump's request to say there were signs of fraud when there weren't? What if Trump had been successful in his efforts to get the environmental lawyer but compliant soldier Clark installed as acting AG? What if Rafensperger had caved to the massive pressure to find the 11k votes Trump needed to flip GA? What if similar things had happened in AZ, NV, WI?

None of those things happened, but any of them could have. The fact that we can name a handful of individuals who had to act as the bulwark that prevented losing our republic is not the sign of a healthy system. In fact, if the participants who created and pushed this scheme go unpunished it is almost certain to happen again, but with a greater likelihood of success next time.

None of the above happened, yet if Pence had caved to the enormous pressure, including the physical threats on J6, and played his role in the scheme, the many co-conspirators in the republican party had fake electors and compliant supporters on Capitol Hill ready to throw the country into absolute chaos. Hell, after everything that happened (and perhaps more importantly everything that didn't happen as listed above) leading up to and including J6, 147 republicans still refused the certify the election that night. This proves we can't count on decency, or even a fear of shame, from some elected officials to help protect the republic.

I've shared a few times that I majored in history at UGA and it is a passion of mine. Don't think for one second that our country is somehow immune from the potential rise in autocracy and destruction of our democratic norms. It has happened many times in the past and the playbook Trump used is very well established. When Liz Chaney says that this is an existential threat to our form of government she is exactly right.

Regarding Biden, he has been bad, although I think the suggestions of being the worst president ever are way overblown. Covid really hosed global supply chains and inflation is a global problem with oil exacerbated by Ukraine. I actually think the administration has handled the situation in Ukraine reasonably well. The employment numbers are obviously fantastic, another factor pushing inflation.

I'll add that despite being a good capitalist, which I can promise you I am, I am liberal in my views of social policy. The Biden administration better reflects my views in that area than the republicans, particularly today's republicans. The decisions coming out of the supreme court and some very aggressive and unpopular legislation coming out at the state level may be the only thing that gives the dems any chance at all in the midterms or 2024. A lot of people may actually be pissed off enough to get off their collective asses and go vote for a change.

But Biden is ancient and the progressives currently have way too much influence, neither of which sets us up well to deal effectively with what I would hope you will agree is a very challenging economic and geopolitical environment. I'd like to see some actual policy suggestions from republicans beyond "drill baby drill". The US produced 12.29m barrels of oil a day in 2019 and we are on target to produce 11.85m a day this year, which is not bad considering what happened to global demand during the pandemic and the resulting impact on production and refinery capacity. We need some real policy wonks, and both parties are too busy with their BS to craft real policy.
I think the argument is more that the liberal policies to date put us in this place. In other words, I think a lot of republican policies that were not taken have put us into the position of where we are now.

1) Over-stimulating the economy with a huge second round of stimulus when it was obvious we were coming out of the pandemic economically just fine. More than fine in fact, and to the extent we weren’t, it was regional - see #2

2) The ridiculous tendency of the federal dems and blue states to keep their economies shut down, schools shut down, etc etc many times at the behest of unions.

3) Extending unemployment benefits well after we were coming out of the pandemic and creating an actual dis-incentive to work.

1 and 3 in particular speak to inflation. 1 for obvious reasons. Too much liquidity / free money. We all asked the question as kids - “why don’t they just print more money or give people more money when the economy is bad?” The answer is that it creates runaway inflation. 3 speaks to supply chain. We still have fewer jobs in this country than we did in early 2020 despite the sporty unemployment rate. Too much dough chasing not enough capacity to produce = inflation.

On oil, you make a decent point. However, anyone in the energy business will tell you that the policies, regulations, and general attitude / rhetoric of this admin have made it difficult to invest and capitalize more refinery capacity. Furthermore the attitude should be to work with these companies to solve this problem rather than vilify them as price gouging. Any company CEO would be fired immediately for suggesting they should sell their product well below market value. And rightly so.

Appreciate your posts. Always well supported even though I don’t always agree.
I think the argument is more that the liberal policies to date put us in this place. In other words, I think a lot of republican policies that were not taken have put us into the position of where we are now.

1) Over-stimulating the economy with a huge second round of stimulus when it was obvious we were coming out of the pandemic economically just fine. More than fine in fact, and to the extent we weren’t, it was regional - see #2

2) The ridiculous tendency of the federal dems and blue states to keep their economies shut down, schools shut down, etc etc many times at the behest of unions.

3) Extending unemployment benefits well after we were coming out of the pandemic and creating an actual dis-incentive to work.

1 and 3 in particular speak to inflation. 1 for obvious reasons. Too much liquidity / free money. We all asked the question as kids - “why don’t they just print more money or give people more money when the economy is bad?” The answer is that it creates runaway inflation. 3 speaks to supply chain. We still have fewer jobs in this country than we did in early 2020 despite the sporty unemployment rate. Too much dough chasing not enough capacity to produce = inflation.

On oil, you make a decent point. However, anyone in the energy business will tell you that the policies, regulations, and general attitude / rhetoric of this admin have made it difficult to invest and capitalize more refinery capacity. Furthermore the attitude should be to work with these companies to solve this problem rather than vilify them as price gouging. Any company CEO would be fired immediately for suggesting they should sell their product well below market value. And rightly so.

Appreciate your posts. Always well supported even though I don’t always agree.
You didn’t even touch On the border disaster, Afghan pullout, mental condition of the president etc.(which will not get better as he gets older) What you said very well is bad enough. Good post.
I'm quite sure Meadows and Cipollone have a standing invitation to come testify under oath. Either one could have refuted many of her statements last night yet we heard nothing.

The testimony about Trump getting physical with SS, which she acknowledged yesterday was second hand, is a sideshow. I would welcome additional testimony regarding that topic and whether there was a confrontation, verbal or otherwise, regarding Trump's desire to go to the Capitol and what advice he was getting at the time regarding that request.

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You didn’t even touch On the border disaster, Afghan pullout, mental condition of the president etc.(which will not get better as he gets older) What you said very well is bad enough. Good post.
Guys. I know this is hard to believe. But you can vote for another Republican candidate. The committee hearing is not about prefering Biden over Trump. You can choose another to run against Biden. And since he's the worst POTUS ever, you can choose almost anyone and that person should win. It's easy. How about let's keep the committee hearing about the hearing and keep Biden's presidency about Biden's presidency. They really don't have anything to do with one another.

I mean over and over, what I'm reading here is since Biden is a bad POTUS, it's okay that Trump tried to illegally stop the certification. It'd be a lot easier if you all would just say that.
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Guys. I know this is hard to believe. But you can vote for another Republican candidate. The committee hearing is not about prefering Biden over Trump. You can choose another to run against Biden. And since he's the worst POTUS ever, you can choose almost anyone and that person should win. It's easy. How about let's keep the committee hearing about the hearing and keep Biden's presidency about Biden's presidency. They really don't have anything to do with one another.

I mean over and over, what I'm reading here is since Biden is a bad POTUS, it's okay that Trump tried to illegally stop the certification. It'd be a lot easier if you all would just say that.
I have said that. Numerous times. I don’t like what happened jan 6th. I don’t like how trump handled it. It isn’t ok

Go look back. Said that about ten times too. It didn’t surprise me. He handled it like a businessman under attack. Four years earlier the same sentiment existed. Most of my point has been it is hypocritical to be all in now, and appalled. And not feel the same about what was said about the election in 2016. The rhetoric was so bad, a guy took it upon himself to try to kill a bunch of gop congressmen at softball practice. Trump spent as much time defending attacks against him during his term as he did being able to work. The Dems handled it like politicians. It was all made up. Same bs from a different angle. Jees.

Guilty or not, it doesn’t matter. This is for the moderates and independents who voted for Biden. To make them feel better about making that choice heading into the midterms. Nothing will happen to trump. Nothing. Please tell me different. It is an expensive dog and pony show to misdirect the American people away from what is happening here right now. That is my point. Money that should be spent here on domestic problems. You said Biden is terrible. We can find another candidate. So true. And I have said multiple times I hope it isn’t trump, but between him and Biden you should still have no choice. Unless you are blind. This also is trying to paint Biden in a better light. Trump has had his go. It would be over if you just let it. Instead you incessantly bring him up, like a 13 year old girl who can’t get over a breakup. He owns you guys and you cant see it.

please don’t hit me with the democracy angle. The same people who said defy the Supreme Court, one of the branches of our democracy, and now are threatening it, do not seem all broken up about the democracy issue there. This fits your narrative and hate for trump. You havent mentioned one policy he put forth so far that you hated. Just that we should go after him, and if you don’t you are in the cult. That is kiddie pool shallow.
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I think the argument is more that the liberal policies to date put us in this place. In other words, I think a lot of republican policies that were not taken have put us into the position of where we are now.

1) Over-stimulating the economy with a huge second round of stimulus when it was obvious we were coming out of the pandemic economically just fine. More than fine in fact, and to the extent we weren’t, it was regional - see #2

2) The ridiculous tendency of the federal dems and blue states to keep their economies shut down, schools shut down, etc etc many times at the behest of unions.

3) Extending unemployment benefits well after we were coming out of the pandemic and creating an actual dis-incentive to work.

1 and 3 in particular speak to inflation. 1 for obvious reasons. Too much liquidity / free money. We all asked the question as kids - “why don’t they just print more money or give people more money when the economy is bad?” The answer is that it creates runaway inflation. 3 speaks to supply chain. We still have fewer jobs in this country than we did in early 2020 despite the sporty unemployment rate. Too much dough chasing not enough capacity to produce = inflation.

On oil, you make a decent point. However, anyone in the energy business will tell you that the policies, regulations, and general attitude / rhetoric of this admin have made it difficult to invest and capitalize more refinery capacity. Furthermore the attitude should be to work with these companies to solve this problem rather than vilify them as price gouging. Any company CEO would be fired immediately for suggesting they should sell their product well below market value. And rightly so.

Appreciate your posts. Always well supported even though I don’t always agree.
All of the things you listed are contributing factors, no doubt. And as I've already said, Biden owes Manchin a big debt of gratitude for stopping the last progressive wet dream of a spending package. But let's review inflation in some of the other industrialized nations.

UK - 9%
Germany - 8.2%
Canada - 7.7%
Australia - 7%
France - 5.4% (most power comes from nuclear generation)
South Korea - 5.4% (highest in fourteen years)

So while the Biden policies are contributing factors, I respectfully suggest that the majority of the drivers are global and not national in nature but you make a fair point.

Regarding the energy companies, the claims of policy changes preventing investment don't hold up very well to me. Profits are hitting ten to twelve year highs and free cash flow is breaking all-time records. It's not like the capital investments they should be making now aren't going to generate a positive return because of the regulatory environment, at least I wouldn't think so (disclaimer, I am not an energy analyst so I am open to correction).
While Ultra Maga Braveheart, Jack Posobiec and their anonymous sources are (cough cough) very credible, at this stage in the process any new information is either presented under oath or it's simply noise.

Cippolone has been subpoenaed. Let's hear what he has to say. Under oath, of course.
You keep acting like "under oath" means anything to Democrats. Christine Blasey Ford and all those other liars were under oath too. Did that deter them from lying? Did they face any repercussions?
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He handled it like a businessman under attack.
You keep making this point and I simply don't agree. He has responded much more like a mob boss than a ethical business man. Threats, quid pro quos, credible testimony of illegal actions and much more.

There is also one really important difference. No businessman takes a solemn oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Just based on what we know from Trump's public statements and actions, much less the expanding testimony regarding other, non-public actions, he failed in that oath.
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You keep acting like "under oath" means anything to Democrats. v Christine Blasey Ford and all those other liars were under oath too. Did that deter them from lying? Did they face any repercussions?
Are you suggesting we should treat anonymous sources presented by partisan functionaries the same as testimony under oath and at risk of perjury? Well, of course you are because you willingly choose to live in a post-truth, post-fact world, which is helpful when you are committed to an immovable ideology-driven position.
Are you suggesting we should treat anonymous sources presented by partisan functionaries the same as testimony under oath and at risk of perjury? Well, of course you are because you willingly choose to live in a post-truth, post-fact world, which is helpful when you are committed to an immovable ideology-driven position.

Also you would just soon forget Blasey Ford right about now right? lol

Also you would just soon forget Blasey Ford right about now right? lol
I guess you want to talk Kavanagh, which isn't really relevant to this discussion, but ok.

Did you know there were 4500 tips called in regarding his behaviour that were routed through the White House and as such we never investigated by the FBI?

Did you know the FBI never interviewed Blasey Ford or her corroborators?

Are you aware that the Trump DOJ made no attempt to pursue perjury charges?

So, I'm unclear what point exactly you are trying to make here as it relates to the efforts of the J6 Committee.
Guys. I know this is hard to believe. But you can vote for another Republican candidate. The committee hearing is not about prefering Biden over Trump. You can choose another to run against Biden. And since he's the worst POTUS ever, you can choose almost anyone and that person should win. It's easy. How about let's keep the committee hearing about the hearing and keep Biden's presidency about Biden's presidency. They really don't have anything to do with one another.

I mean over and over, what I'm reading here is since Biden is a bad POTUS, it's okay that Trump tried to illegally stop the certification. It'd be a lot easier if you all would just say that.

Trump tried to illegally stop the certification.

Now, can we focus on moving the country in the right direction? Ban Donald Trump from ever seeking office again, if you want. I don't care.

Continuing to talk about Jan. 6 isn't going to bring down gas prices, fix inflation, or secure the border.
Trump tried to illegally stop the certification.

Now, can we focus on moving the country in the right direction? Ban Donald Trump from ever seeking office again, if you want. I don't care.

Continuing to talk about Jan. 6 isn't going to bring down gas prices, fix inflation, or secure the border.
Personally, I'd absolutely be fine with that. But he's a narcissist. He will run again unless he's physically incapable. And judging from your side of the aisle, he's still got more support than anyone over there. If this committee hearing means he's not allowed to run again, that's great. But that hasn't been decided yet.
All of the things you listed are contributing factors, no doubt. And as I've already said, Biden owes Manchin a big debt of gratitude for stopping the last progressive wet dream of a spending package. But let's review inflation in some of the other industrialized nations.

UK - 9%
Germany - 8.2%
Canada - 7.7%
Australia - 7%
France - 5.4% (most power comes from nuclear generation)
South Korea - 5.4% (highest in fourteen years)

So while the Biden policies are contributing factors, I respectfully suggest that the majority of the drivers are global and not national in nature but you make a fair point.

Regarding the energy companies, the claims of policy changes preventing investment don't hold up very well to me. Profits are hitting ten to twelve year highs and free cash flow is breaking all-time records. It's not like the capital investments they should be making now aren't going to generate a positive return because of the regulatory environment, at least I wouldn't think so (disclaimer, I am not an energy analyst so I am open to correction).
Fair point on the global economy. I just think we would be outperforming all of them in terms of inflation given our natural resources, talent, and ability to produce domestically had we not over-stimulated. Spot on Joe Manchin.

On oil, remember the cost to get oil out of the ground is what it is, and the fact that they can sell a barrel for twice as much now is the reason their free cash flow is so high, as that cost to get it out of the ground hasn't doubled. The CEO's don't create the market for oil, they just sell into it, and their job is to maximize shareholder value. Should Mark Zuckerberg sell facebook ad space for less than market simply to help out with inflation? No. But he isn't vilified because it isn't part of the narrative. If the "greed' of the oil companies is driving gas so high, wouldn't that same greed have them producing more oil at record margins if it were financially feasible and legal to do so in short order?
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