Surprise J6 hearing today and a bonus surprise

I have said that. Numerous times. I don’t like what happened jan 6th. I don’t like how trump handled it. It isn’t ok

Go look back. Said that about ten times too. It didn’t surprise me. He handled it like a businessman under attack. Four years earlier the same sentiment existed. Most of my point has been it is hypocritical to be all in now, and appalled. And not feel the same about what was said about the election in 2016. The rhetoric was so bad, a guy took it upon himself to try to kill a bunch of gop congressmen at softball practice. Trump spent as much time defending attacks against him during his term as he did being able to work. The Dems handled it like politicians. It was all made up. Same bs from a different angle. Jees.

Guilty or not, it doesn’t matter. This is for the moderates and independents who voted for Biden. To make them feel better about making that choice heading into the midterms. Nothing will happen to trump. Nothing. Please tell me different. It is an expensive dog and pony show to misdirect the American people away from what is happening here right now. That is my point. Money that should be spent here on domestic problems. You said Biden is terrible. We can find another candidate. So true. And I have said multiple times I hope it isn’t trump, but between him and Biden you should still have no choice. Unless you are blind. This also is trying to paint Biden in a better light. Trump has had his go. It would be over if you just let it. Instead you incessantly bring him up, like a 13 year old girl who can’t get over a breakup. He owns you guys and you cant see it.

please don’t hit me with the democracy angle. The same people who said defy the Supreme Court, one of the branches of our democracy, and now are threatening it, do not seem all broken up about the democracy issue there. This fits your narrative and hate for trump. You havent mentioned one policy he put forth so far that you hated. Just that we should go after him, and if you don’t you are in the cult. That is kiddie pool shallow.
Okay, we agree on the first part. But he is still the most popular Republican out there. So we have to keep him from running. If that's all this committee gets, that's great with me. I don't won't him as POTUS ever again. Has nothing to do with his politics. I know you all don't believe that, but it's absolutely true. My biggest problem right now is I will only support those who have come out against him and none of those people are gonna run because you all can't stand them. So that's the problem here. The party is ate up with Trump love. Gonna take some time to win me back. If all of those who condemned it for what it was on Jan. 6th, stuck with it. Fine. I probably wouldn't even be on here commenting. But the Republican public (many on here even) can't give up their love for Trump or this conspiracy theory about the election. That's dangerous. We've already seen what it caused. If those running later can't speak out against it now, have no use for them.
Okay, we agree on the first part. But he is still the most popular Republican out there. So we have to keep him from running. If that's all this committee gets, that's great with me. I don't won't him as POTUS ever again. Has nothing to do with his politics. I know you all don't believe that, but it's absolutely true. My biggest problem right now is I will only support those who have come out against him and none of those people are gonna run because you all can't stand them. So that's the problem here. The party is ate up with Trump love. Gonna take some time to win me back. If all of those who condemned it for what it was on Jan. 6th, stuck with it. Fine. I probably wouldn't even be on here commenting. But the Republican public (many on here even) can't give up their love for Trump or this conspiracy theory about the election. That's dangerous. We've already seen what it caused. If those running later can't speak out against it now, have no use for them.
There are reasons that some will always love him. He will say what needs to be said. What other politicians were too chicken shit to say in the past. He has his merits. And he has everyone in an uproar. Which may mean he is doing something right. His policies were all undone by Biden, and look what happened. That is a whole other topic. Either way, my dog is a better candidate than Biden. And more eloquent than Kamala. That hasn’t changed no matter how you feel about trump imo and most pubs opinion he is less dangerous than someone stooping for the far left. I do understand why you don’t like trump. You aren’t alone. I think simple math will win the day eventually with him and he will bow out. 4 vs 8 years. And probably 12. If anyone else runs.
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There are reasons that some will always love him. He will say what needs to be said. What other politicians were too chicken shit to say in the past. He has his merits. And he has everyone in an uproar. Which may mean he is doing something right. His policies were all undone by Biden, and look what happened. That is a whole other topic. Either way, my dog is a better candidate than Biden. And more eloquent than Kamala. That hasn’t changed no matter how you feel about trump imo and most pubs opinion he is less dangerous than someone stooping for the far left. I do understand why you don’t like trump. You aren’t alone. I think simple math will win the day eventually with him and he will bow out. 4 vs 8 years. And probably 12. If anyone else runs.
Okay. So I'm out. It's one thing when people are living in an alternate reality and defending him. It's another when they admit to knowing it was BS and he tried to keep his job using BS to do it.

As I've said before, Ted Bundy may be your best salesman and Bill maybe can't sell anything. But you choose Bill here. The worst part is you don't have to choose Bill. You can choose someone else, but you still seem to have a thing for Ted.

And please, don't give me the Bundy = Trump is ludicrous speech. My point is if this is not too far for Trump, how far does he have to go? I really think if they had tweets with him instructing the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers on what to do and when to attack, it wouldn't change one darn thing for most of these people.
Okay. So I'm out. It's one thing when people are living in an alternate reality and defending him. It's another when they admit to knowing it was BS and he tried to keep his job using BS to do it.

As I've said before, Ted Bundy may be your best salesman and Bill maybe can't sell anything. But you choose Bill here. The worst part is you don't have to choose Bill. You can choose someone else, but you still seem to have a thing for Ted.

And please, don't give me the Bundy = Trump is ludicrous speech. My point is if this is not too far for Trump, how far does he have to go? I really think if they had tweets with him instructing the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers on what to do and when to attack, it wouldn't change one darn thing for most of these people.
You are comparing him to a psychotic serial killer. And I thought we were getting somewhere. I do actually now understand your opinion better. It is just about trump for you. You have the tds. You just compared him to bundy. If that isn’t a symptom of the derangement syndrome, nothing is. You can’t see past him. So I understand. If there is another candidate other than trump, I hope you don’t vote for that trainwreck again. Who is just as bad a person by the way. Maybe worse. That is the ironic part. And most of biden’s shit was caught on camera.
I guess you want to talk Kavanagh, which isn't really relevant to this discussion, but ok.

Did you know there were 4500 tips called in regarding his behaviour that were routed through the White House and as such we never investigated by the FBI?

Did you know the FBI never interviewed Blasey Ford or her corroborators?

Are you aware that the Trump DOJ made no attempt to pursue perjury charges?

So, I'm unclear what point exactly you are trying to make here as it relates to the efforts of the J6 Committee.

And I'm sure it was because of Democrats' sense of morality, and not because a conservative justice was about to be appointed to the SCOTUS.

Reminds me of another time they tried something similar to a justice they didn't like...I think her name was Anita Hill?

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Okay, we agree on the first part. But he is still the most popular Republican out there. So we have to keep him from running. If that's all this committee gets, that's great with me. I don't won't him as POTUS ever again. Has nothing to do with his politics. I know you all don't believe that, but it's absolutely true. My biggest problem right now is I will only support those who have come out against him and none of those people are gonna run because you all can't stand them. So that's the problem here. The party is ate up with Trump love. Gonna take some time to win me back. If all of those who condemned it for what it was on Jan. 6th, stuck with it. Fine. I probably wouldn't even be on here commenting. But the Republican public (many on here even) can't give up their love for Trump or this conspiracy theory about the election. That's dangerous. We've already seen what it caused. If those running later can't speak out against it now, have no use for them.

It's WAY too early to say Trump is going to be the guy in 2024. DeSantis has way more traction than most challengers this early in the race. Where was Trump in the polls in June of 2014?

Let's see how the midterms shake out. If the Dems peel off some seats they weren't expected to, I'll bet we see a much more sudden shift towards DeSantis.
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It's WAY too early to say Trump is going to be the guy in 2024. DeSantis has way more traction than most challengers this early in the race. Where was Trump in the polls in June of 2014?

Let's see how the midterms shake out. If the Dems peel off some seats they weren't expected to, I'll bet we see a much more sudden shift towards DeSantis.
It's not WAY too early to say he absolutely is not going to be the guy. The idea that he might be the guy right now is complete insanity. Until your party moves away from that, can't even think about supporting it. I'm an independent and have voted for both sides slightly more Republican. Need a divorce here. Not hearing it.
Personally, I'd absolutely be fine with that. But he's a narcissist. He will run again unless he's physically incapable. And judging from your side of the aisle, he's still got more support than anyone over there. If this committee hearing means he's not allowed to run again, that's great. But that hasn't been decided yet.
Why is him simply losing again not enough?
You are comparing him to a psychotic serial killer. And I thought we were getting somewhere. I do actually now understand your opinion better. It is just about trump for you. You have the tds. You just compared him to bundy. If that isn’t a symptom of the derangement syndrome, nothing is. You can’t see past him. So I understand. If there is another candidate other than trump, I hope you don’t vote for that trainwreck again. Who is just as bad a person by the way. Maybe worse. That is the ironic part. And most of biden’s shit was caught on camera.
We're not getting somewhere because you still don't see this as bad enough to totally cast him out. Like I said, this wasn't just a bad moment in his presidency. This was the worst moment of any POTUS ever. And we could see it coming. In the winter of 2020, my friend and I were talking about what Trump would do if he lost. We both agreed if it was close he'd say it was rigged and try to sway the masses to think the same thing.

Again, he did this in the primary vs. Cruz. This was not a suprise.

I knew you were gonna go there with Bundy. Let's just compare to a guy who is making your company a ton of money, but is also involved in illegal activity that may cause it to be shut down and you lose it. Again, you're better off with someone who isn't a good employee that you can fire in a few years and still have your company.
It's not WAY too early to say he absolutely is not going to be the guy. The idea that he might be the guy right now is complete insanity. Until your party moves away from that, can't even think about supporting it. I'm an independent and have voted for both sides slightly more Republican. Need a divorce here. Not hearing it.

I'm not trying to convince you to vote Republican, I understand that some people value attitude and conduct more than the actual policy. If you want to "punish" Republicans by voting against all the candidates not named Donald Trump, that's your prerogative. The polls currently indicate that your vote won't be needed anyway.

I never said he "absolutely is not going to be the guy", I said DeSantis (the clear alternative choice at this point) is polling much better against Trump than a challenger usually does against an incumbent. We're still almost 2.5 years away from the election, it's way too early to say Trump will be the guy. And the midterms will be a major indicator which direction the GOP will go in, heading into 2024.
This was the worst moment of any POTUS ever.

We've had Presidents openly defy the Supreme Court and challenge them to enforce their rulings, intern Asian-Americans in concentration camps, and commit lascivious behavior in the Oval Office, among countless other things. But Trump had the "worst moment of any POTUS ever"?


Why is him simply losing again not enough?
He may not lose? Why are you so sure he would? Do you read this place?

We've got half on here thinking he's telling them the absolute truth. And the other half really saying they don't care. You may support Desantis or whoever, but there is no guarantee he will beat Trump. What happened last time? Everyone thought that when Bush bailed, they'd go to Cruz or Rubio, then Rubio bailed and they'll go to Cruz. Nope. They all went to Trump. He's gonna get up there and insult someone's wife again, and you all are gonna be laffing it up and voting him in again. I've seen this. It happened. He can't run again.
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We're not getting somewhere because you still don't see this as bad enough to totally cast him out. Like I said, this wasn't just a bad moment in his presidency. This was the worst moment of any POTUS ever. And we could see it coming. In the winter of 2020, my friend and I were talking about what Trump would do if he lost. We both agreed if it was close he'd say it was rigged and try to sway the masses to think the same thing.

Again, he did this in the primary vs. Cruz. This was not a suprise.

I knew you were gonna go there with Bundy. Let's just compare to a guy who is making your company a ton of money, but is also involved in illegal activity that may cause it to be shut down and you lose it. Again, you're better off with someone who isn't a good employee that you can fire in a few years and still have your company.
You came back down to earth some. Thank you. I get your analogy. I understand it. Problem is your guy is just as bad if not worse. You traded bundy for gacy. And feel now Like you have the high ground. That is an analogy that may resonate. Biden has been a bigot,(his own vp called him one) plagiarist(thrown out of an election), criminal, philanderer, child hair sniffer, groper, and just a senile weirdo. He is a career politician. 48 years. It doesn’t get more crooked. Back to hypocrisy. Trump is still the lesser of two evils. You just don’t see Biden as evil because you are blind. Which is crazy, because with biden, this isn’t me making shit up. It is all on camera brother. Everything I just said other than the criminal part. If he has been in politics 48 years he has been a criminal at least once. Not to mention, he has lied about every stop. Hs, college, senate, vp and president. I am giving you my reasons. So there isn’t nothing for you to misjudge. All of these are facts about Biden not arguable. No bad boy media can protect him from this, or be accused of making it up.
He may not lose? Why are you so sure he would? Do you read this place?

We've got half on here thinking he's telling them the absolute truth. And the other half really saying they don't care. You may support Desantis or whoever, but there is no guarantee he will beat Trump. What happened last time? Everyone thought that when Bush bailed, they'd go to Cruz or Rubio, then Rubio bailed and they'll go to Cruz. Nope. They all went to Trump. He's gonna get up there and insult someone's wife again, and you all are gonna be laffing it up and voting him in again. I've seen this. It happened. He can't run again.
The fact that you believe the relative few who actually post on Dawgchat is representative of the entire electorate of the United States is telling.

The fact that you believe he may not lose is also telling.

If Trump can win, doesn't that mean the problem for you is actually bigger than Trump? It's the people all around you.

Where do we go from here?
You came back down to earth some. Thank you. I get your analogy. I understand it. Problem is your guy is just as bad if not worse. You trade bundy for gacy. That is an analogy that may resonate. Biden has been a bigot,(his own vp called him one) plagiarist(thrown out of an election), criminal, philanderer, child hair sniffer, groper, and just a senile weirdo. He is a career politician. 48 years. It doesn’t get more crooked. Back to hypocrisy. Trump is still the lesser of two evils. You just don’t see Biden as evil because you are blind. Which is crazy, because with biden, this isn’t me making shit up. It is all on camera brother. Everything I just said other than the criminal part. If he has been in politics 48 years he has been a criminal at least once. Not to mention, he has lied about every stop. Hs, college, senate, vp and president. I am giving you my reasons. So there isn’t nothing for you to misjudge. All of these are facts about Biden not arguable.
Well, there ya go again. "My guy". Trust me brutha, you have lauded your guy much more than I have lauded Biden on here.

I think he hasn't done a good job.

But I can guarantee you, if he loses (provided he runs) he will not tell you the election was stolen, will not invite people to protest on the day they officially recognize the election, and will not tell his VP to hold it up.

Again, when you say that stuff that he's just as bad or worse, that's where I know we've lost it here. The Jan. 6th crowd makes more sense.
The fact that you believe the relative few who actually post on Dawgchat is representative of the entire electorate of the United States is telling.

The fact that you believe he may not lose is also telling.

If Trump can win, doesn't that mean the problem for you is actually bigger than Trump? It's the people all around you.

Where do we go from here?
Well I can tell you that more than half of your party when polled doesn't think POTUS did anything wrong.

More than half also think the election was stolen.

This despite Republicans being in charge of the election in two Biden states that Trump had to win.

Despite conservative judges, appointed by Republicans, rejecting the theory in court for lack of evidence.

Despite FBI men, some who went in to the Bureau under Trump and had already served as Republicans in their state legislature, investigating the accusations of fraud and finding nothing.

Exorcism is painful, but it must be done.
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We've had Presidents openly defy the Supreme Court and challenge them to enforce their rulings, intern Asian-Americans in concentration camps, and commit lascivious behavior in the Oval Office, among countless other things. But Trump had the "worst moment of any POTUS ever"?

That's right, because the whole thing falls down if he's successful.

You forgot owning slaves and taking away land from Native Americans, but I think I know why those aren't brought up.
Well, there ya go again. "My guy". Trust me brutha, you have lauded your guy much more than I have lauded Biden on here.

I think he hasn't done a good job.

But I can guarantee you, if he loses (provided he runs) he will not tell you the election was stolen, will not invite people to protest on the day they officially recognize the election, and will not tell his VP to hold it up.

Again, when you say that stuff that he's just as bad or worse, that's where I know we've lost it here. The Jan. 6th crowd makes more sense.
His policy just caused 50 people to die in the back of a truck. Kids included. Please. You were too focused on a witch hunt to hear it. You just don’t see Biden as evil. You still see ole uncle joe. Obama wouldn’t pick a bigot as a vp. He did. Even Kamala said so. You believe he ordered people to take over the capital. No. They wanted their chance to riot. So they stopped to a lower level and are paying for it. You want to wear a tinfoil hat because it fits your narrative. That is your prerogative. What I said about Biden is all true. And worse. Sorry. If trump ordered the code red, he has blood on his hands. Doesn’t look to be any proof
His policy just caused 50 people to die in the back of a truck. Kids included. Please. You were too focused on a witch hunt to hear it. You just don’t see Biden as evil. You still see ole uncle joe. Obama wouldn’t pick a bigot as a vp. He did. Even Kamala said so. You believe he ordered people to take over the capital. No. They wanted their chance to riot. So they stopped to a lower level and are paying for it. You want to wear a tinfoil hat because it fits your narrative. That is your prerogative. What I said about Biden is all true. And worse. Sorry. If trump ordered the code red, he has blood on his hands. Doesn’t look to be any proof
Dude, I'm not going here with you. If we had normal nominees and stuff. This is fine. Hell, it bores me honestly. I wouldn't even participate with the back and forth. Never been much into talking politics. Again, the fact that you're defending him when you know it was wrong by talking about normal policy stuff that's talked about every cycle tells me we are in a very bad place. You don't get it. The stuff you are talking about happens every time your guy is not in office. Same for the others. What happened Jan. 6 is different. I'm sorry you can't see it.

I'm out. You no doubt will respond with more left vs. right policy shit and say it's all the same.
That's right, because the whole thing falls down if he's successful.

You forgot owning slaves and taking away land from Native Americans, but I think I know why those aren't brought up.

Cute. You going to post another one of your Trump memes?

Taking land away from Native Americans and defying SCOTUS were largely the same guy. And yes, owning slaves literally disproves your own argument about Trump having the worst moment of any POTUS ever.
Dude, I'm not going here with you. If we had normal nominees and stuff. This is fine. Hell, it bores me honestly. I wouldn't even participate with the back and forth. Never been much into talking politics. Again, the fact that you're defending him when you know it was wrong by talking about normal policy stuff that's talked about every cycle tells me we are in a very bad place. You don't get it. The stuff you are talking about happens every time your guy is not in office. Same for the others. What happened Jan. 6 is different. I'm sorry you can't see it.

I'm out. You no doubt will respond with more left vs. right policy shit and say it's all the same.
I am sorry you don’t see it either. And no. Harassing Supreme Court justices doesn’t happen when anyone is in office. 50 people dying in the back of a truck doesn’t happen. I could go on and on. I am here because this is the only place I ever talk politics. Don’t like it either. If Jan 6th means that much to you so be it. But it isn’t as big a deal to other people after what they witnessed all summer. Or on the same level. That is their right. You first post said we are all trump cultists. That isn’t the case. Most here don’t want him to run again. I call biden your guy because you voted for him right. He is your guy sorry. Probably a good thing you duck out. Before you actually learn something. Like why some of us hate Biden the same way you do trump. That is where the rubber truly meets the road here
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Well I can tell you that more than half of your party when polled doesn't think POTUS did anything wrong.

More than half also think the election was stolen.

This despite Republicans being in charge of the election in two Biden states that Trump had to win.

Despite conservative judges, appointed by Republicans, rejecting the theory in court for lack of evidence.

Despite FBI men, some who went in to the Bureau under Trump and had already served as Republicans in their state legislature, investigating the accusations of fraud and finding nothing.

Exorcism is painful, but it must be done.
What do you mean "your party"? I don't have a party.

I think the Democratic and Republican parties are both garbage.

I believe in finding truths and punishing the guilty. That means investigating matters and coming to a lawful conclusion. I'm also skeptical of people who hide truth.

I don't know if the election was stolen, but I have my suspicions about all elections managed by computers. It's simple enough to find out so all of the resistance and obstruction makes me distrust our government even more.

I don't know if Trump planned a coup, but I have my opinion. I don't mind the investigating, but I do mind it not landing in court where scrutiny can be applied and truth sought. This series of hearings is meant to sway public opinion ahead of the 2022 election. How can anyone know that Trump planned to overthrow the government if there's not enough evidence to bring criminal charges?

So in both cases, plenty of people don't want to find truth, they only want people to believe what they say and that means I don't trust them.
What do you mean "your party"? I don't have a party.

I think the Democratic and Republican parties are both garbage.

I believe in finding truths and punishing the guilty. That means investigating matters and coming to a lawful conclusion. I'm also skeptical of people who hide truth.

I don't know if the election was stolen, but I have my suspicions about all elections managed by computers. It's simple enough to find out so all of the resistance and obstruction makes me distrust our government even more.

I don't know if Trump planned a coup, but I have my opinion. I don't mind the investigating, but I do mind it not landing in court where scrutiny can be applied and truth sought. This series of hearings is meant to sway public opinion ahead of the 2022 election. How can anyone know that Trump planned to overthrow the government if there's not enough evidence to bring criminal charges?

So in both cases, plenty of people don't want to find truth, they only want people to believe what they say and that means I don't trust them.
Sorry about calling you a Republican. I'll just call you a conspiracy theorist. Again, my apologies.
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What do you mean "your party"? I don't have a party.

I think the Democratic and Republican parties are both garbage.

I believe in finding truths and punishing the guilty. That means investigating matters and coming to a lawful conclusion. I'm also skeptical of people who hide truth.

I don't know if the election was stolen, but I have my suspicions about all elections managed by computers. It's simple enough to find out so all of the resistance and obstruction makes me distrust our government even more.

I don't know if Trump planned a coup, but I have my opinion. I don't mind the investigating, but I do mind it not landing in court where scrutiny can be applied and truth sought. This series of hearings is meant to sway public opinion ahead of the 2022 election. How can anyone know that Trump planned to overthrow the government if there's not enough evidence to bring criminal charges?

So in both cases, plenty of people don't want to find truth, they only want people to believe what they say and that means I don't trust them.

Exactly. Trump may or may not be rotten but imo, his opponents did a lot more to (ahem) threaten our democracy than anything Trump did during his term. So, at worst Trump is a criminally insane former POTUS that can only influence Americans with his opinions. Otoh, we have an entire government full of criminally insane that have proven they have no respect for the election of 2016 or the rule of law enjoying virtually unchecked power.

coy GIF
Sorry about calling you a Republican. I'll just call you a conspiracy theorist. Again, my apologies.

What exactly do you want? I mean, are you not going to be satisfied, until Trump gets the death penalty? Or until he's permanently barred from public office?

I'm sorry he hurt you. What's it going to take to make you happy?
What exactly do you want? I mean, are you not going to be satisfied, until Trump gets the death penalty? Or until he's permanently barred from public office?

I'm sorry he hurt you. What's it going to take to make you happy?
Nope. You obviously aren't reading. I said if he can't run again, that's enough for me. No reason to put the country through a trial and watch the crazies storm the courtroom with their maga gear. Never said that. Here we go again. Putting words into others mouths.
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Nope. You obviously aren't reading. I said if he can't run again, that's enough for me. No reason to put the country through a trial and watch the crazies storm the courtroom with their maga gear. Never said that. Here we go again. Putting words into others mouths.

What scares you about him running again? The man has been investigated by the FBI and multiple hostile congressional committees, NY local and state investigators as well as hostile news outlets and so far nobody has produced anything more than unsubstantiated, salacious stories and no criminal indictments. Imo, trying to keep someone that isn't a convicted felon off the ballot would constitute a bigger threat to our republic.

I don't want Trump to run and would vote for DeSantis in a primary but the things we've seen in order to chase Trump from the office and now from a possible run is way more scary than any proven act Trump has committed.
Nope. You obviously aren't reading. I said if he can't run again, that's enough for me. No reason to put the country through a trial and watch the crazies storm the courtroom with their maga gear. Never said that. Here we go again. Putting words into others mouths.

Relax Alice. You sure are sensitive
What scares you about him running again? The man has been investigated by the FBI and multiple hostile congressional committees, NY local and state investigators as well as hostile news outlets and so far nobody has produced anything more than unsubstantiated, salacious stories and no criminal indictments. Imo, trying to keep someone that isn't a convicted felon off the ballot would constitute a bigger threat to our republic.

I don't want Trump to run and would vote for DeSantis in a primary but the things we've seen in order to chase Trump from the office and now from a possible run is way more scary than any proven act Trump has committed.
Since that's your barometer. I think we can say this election is the most secure in history. It's been investigated in numerous states by the FBI, Several recounts and court cases where judges got to look at the "evidence" and said there is nothing here. You agree? And the thing about that is it wasn't like half the FBI guys said "there's something here" and half said "there's nothing here". Or half the judges, etc. They pretty much all agreed. So again, you agree? The election was secure?
Since that's your barometer. I think we can say this election is the most secure in history. It's been investigated in numerous states by the FBI, Several recounts and court cases where judges got to look at the "evidence" and said there is nothing here. You agree? And the thing about that is it wasn't like half the FBI guys said "there's something here" and half said "there's nothing here". Or half the judges, etc. They pretty much all agreed. So again, you agree? The election was secure?
But but but….2000 mules 😆
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I'm quite sure Meadows and Cipollone have a standing invitation to come testify under oath. Either one could have refuted many of her statements last night yet we heard nothing.

The testimony about Trump getting physical with SS, which she acknowledged yesterday was second hand, is a sideshow. I would welcome additional testimony regarding that topic and whether there was a confrontation, verbal or otherwise, regarding Trump's desire to go to the Capitol and what advice he was getting at the time regarding that request.
Her total testimony does not mean a thing since she faced ZERO cross examination
I think I know why you are a poor preacher. Good relationships are key in the ministry. Talking down to people doesn't help.

Ha! Maybe so.

(See how a sense of humor, and not taking this board too seriously works?)
Her total testimony does not mean a thing since she faced ZERO cross examination
That comes later. The problem there is there will be much, much more at stake. Not for her, but for others.
That comes later. The problem there is there will be much, much more at stake. Not for her, but for others.
How does it come later when the entire committee is Democrats or two fake Trump-hating Republicans who literally hugged her after her testimony?
Since that's your barometer. I think we can say this election is the most secure in history. It's been investigated in numerous states by the FBI, Several recounts and court cases where judges got to look at the "evidence" and said there is nothing here. You agree? And the thing about that is it wasn't like half the FBI guys said "there's something here" and half said "there's nothing here". Or half the judges, etc. They pretty much all agreed. So again, you agree? The election was secure?

My guess is there wasn't enough to overturn an election from a legal standpoint and nobody wanted the constitutional crises a deep dive into every allegation would create. So, while I think the election processes we saw were an abomination, I'm not going to say Biden is an illegitimate POTUS. Even if I believed it, there would be no real purpose in banging that drum.

As far as a secure election, the U.S. mail is not secure, esp once a postal worker drops mail in unlocked boxes. Next, we know the voter roles are full of people that no longer live at the registered addresses or may even be deceased. Sending ballots to the unverified addresses of every registered voter is the epitome of unsecured. Also, unmanned drop boxes are not secure. Allowing third party handlers to access ballots is not secure. Finally, we know lapses in chain of command occurred and operatives in heavily dem districts trained poll workers how to use covid protocols to keep poll watchers far enough away to be ineffective. So, no, I do not believe the election was secure and it's laughable to suggest an election that allowed limited absentee ballots and the majority of votes being cast voting precincts with rigid chain of custody protocols is on a par with what we saw in the last election.

I guess my view is almost any Dem, not named Manchin, and at least 3/4 of the Republicans would have been a worse POTUS than DJT and if he's done something that disqualifies him as a candidate, I want the voters to decide, not 9 congressional representatives that hate him and a DOJ that has already displayed wildly partisan behavior.
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