Give him the hook Gump: Enough of this shite. I don't want to hear about anything supporting this QB
DeBoer has been neutered Gump: No one has the guts, least of all DeBoer. We need a running back and that is Jalen. So far TN is as bad as we, but they are at home and the longer they hang around, the likelier their win becomes.
George Orwell Gump: Come Monday morning, we will be told that we're the crazy ones and that none of this ever happened
Wish Bone Gump:
If we're gonna play Milroe, we need to run him like a rented mule. I've been saying this.
He's our best RB.
Otherwise he's worthless
Insanity is starting the same QB and expecting a different outcome Gump:
Two completely different coaching staffs start Milroe over Ty with two different systems.
But fans still think both staffs got it wrong
Jalen Vandelay Gump: Jalen Milroe is the George Costanza of RPO reads. Whatever he does you can bet it was the wrong read.